282 conditions. 93 Chinese diagnostic patterns.
- Abscess
- Acne Vulgaris
- Addison's Disease
- Aids/Hiv
- Alcoholism
- Alopecia
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Amenorrhea
- Anal Fissure
- Anal Fistula
- Anemia: Metabolic Dysfunction
- Anemia: Nutritional Deficiency/Blood Loss
- Anger
- Angina Pectoris
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Anxiety
- Aphthous Stomatitis
- Appendicitis
- Arrhythmia
- Asthma
- Atherosclerosis
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Add
- Autism
- Bell's Palsy
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
- Bite: Animal/insect
- Bladder Cancer
- Blood Loss
- Breast Cancer
- Breech Position
- Bronchitis
- Bulimia
- Burn
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cataract
- Celiac Disease
- Cerebrovascular Accident/Tia
- Cervical Dysplasia
- Cervicitis
- Cholecystitis
- Cholelithiasis/Biliary Colic
- Cholera
- Chorea
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Cirrhosis
- Cold Bi
- Colic
- Colon Cancer
- Coma
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Conjunctivitis
- Constipation
- Contact Dermatitis/Diaper Rash
- Contraception
- Contusion/Hematoma
- Costochondritis
- Crohn's Disease/Regional Enteritis
- Croup
- Cushing's Syndrome
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Cystitis
- Damp Bi
- Delayed Parturition
- Dental Caries/Toothache
- Depression
- Diabetes insipidus
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhea
- Diphtheria
- Diverticulitis
- Down's Syndrome
- Dupuytren's Contracture
- Dysentery
- Dysmenorrhea
- Dysphagia/Spastic Esophagus
- Eczema
- Edema
- Emphysema
- Endometriosis
- Enuresis
- Epicondylitis
- Epidydimitis
- Epiglottitis
- Epistaxis
- Erysipelas
- Erythema Multiforme
- External Demons
- Eye Strain
- Facet Syndrome
- Fainting
- Fear
- Fever Of Unknown Origin
- Fibrocystic Breasts
- Fibromylagia
- Folliculitis
- Food Poisoning
- Food Sensitivities
- Fracture
- Frostbite
- Frozen Shoulder
- Gall Bladder Damp-Heat
- Gall Bladder Xu (Deficiency)
- Ganglion
- Gastritis
- Gastroenteritis
- Gastroesophageal Reflux/Dyspepsia
- Gingivitis
- Glaucoma: Non-Acute
- Glomerulonephritis
- Glossitis
- Goiter
- Gout
- Grief
- Hangover
- Hayfever Syndrome
- Headache: Nonvascular
- Headache: Vascular
- Hearing Loss
- Heart Agitated By Phlegm Fire
- Heart Fire Blazing
- Heart Misted By Cold Phlegm
- Heart Qi Xu (Deficiency)
- Heart Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency)
- Heart Xue Yu (Blood Stasis)
- Heart Yang Collapse
- Heart Yang Xu (Deficiency)
- Heart Yin Xu (Deficiency)
- Heat - Febrile Bi
- Heat Collapses into Pericardium
- Heatstroke
- Hematocele
- Hemorrhoids
- Hepatitis
- Hernia
- Herpes Simplex
- Herpes Zoster
- Hiatal Hernia
- Hiccough
- Hirsutism
- Hyperchlorhydria
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypertension
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypoadrenalism
- Hypochlorhydria
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypotension
- Hypothermia
- Hypothyroidism
- Impetigo
- Impotence
- indigestion/Heartburn
- infertility: Female
- infertility: Male
- influenza
- insomnia
- intercostal Neuralgia
- internal Demons
- intervertebral Disc Disease
- intestinal Dysbiosis
- intestinal Flora Imbalance
- intestinal Parasites
- intestinal Polyps
- intestinal Worms
- Iritis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Jet Lag
- Keloid/Scar Tissue
- Kidney and Heart Not Communicating
- Kidney and Liver Yin Xu (Deficiency)
- Kidney and Lung Yin Xu (Deficiency)
- Kidney and Spleen Yang Xu (Deficiency)
- Kidney Failing To Grasp Qi
- Kidney Failure: Chronic
- Kidney Jing Xu (Essence Deficiency)
- Kidney Qi Not Firm
- Kidney Stones/Renal Colic
- Kidney Yang Xu (Deficiency)
- Kidney Yang Xu (Deficiency) With Water Overflowing
- Kidney Yin Xu (Deficiency)
- Kidney Yin Xu (Deficiency) With Empty Fire Blazing
- Labor Pains
- Laceration
- Lactation: Excess/Deficiency
- Large intestine Cold
- Large intestine Damp-Heat
- Large intestine Dry
- Large intestine Heat
- Large intestine Obstructed By Heat
- Large intestine Qi Collapse
- Large intestine Qi Stagnation
- Large intestine Qi Xu (Deficiency)
- Large intestine Xue Yu (Blood Stasis) and Heat
- Laryngitis/Hoarseness
- Leukemia
- Leukoplakia
- Lice/Scabies
- Liver and Gall Bladder invaded By Damp-Heat
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Channel Obstructed By Stagnant Cold
- Liver Fire Blazing Upward
- Liver invaded By Cold Damp
- Liver invading Spleen
- Liver invading Stomach
- Liver Qi Stagnation
- Liver Wind Arising From Liver Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency)
- Liver Wind Arising From Liver Yang Rising
- Liver Wind Generated By Extreme Heat
- Liver Wind Stirring
- Liver Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency)
- Liver Xue Yu (Blood Stasis)
- Liver Yang Rising
- Liver Yin Xu (Deficiency)
- Low Back Pain
- Lung and Spleen Qi Xu (Deficiency)
- Lung Cancer
- Lung Dryness
- Lung insulted By Liver Fire
- Lung invaded By Wind-Cold
- Lung invaded By Wind-Heat
- Lung invaded By Wind-Water
- Lung Obstructed By Damp-Phlegm
- Lung Obstructed By Phlegm-Heat
- Lung Qi Xu (Deficiency)
- Lung Yin Xu (Deficiency)
- Lyme Disease
- Lymphoma: Hodgkin's
- Lymphoma: Non-Hodgkin's
- Manic Depression
- Mastitis
- Mastoiditis
- Meniere's Disease
- Meningitis
- Menopause
- Menorrhagia
- Metrorrhagia
- Mononucleosis
- Motion Sickness
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Mumps/Parotitis
- Muscle Channel Bi
- Muscular Bi
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Myocardial infarction Sequelae
- Myofibrositis/Adhesions
- Narcolepsy
- Nasal Polyps
- Nausea Of Pregnancy
- Necrotizing Gingivitis
- Nephrosis
- Nightmares
- Obesity
- Orchitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Otitis Externa
- Otitis Media
- Ovarian Cancer
- Ovarian Cyst
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Pancreatitis
- Paralysis
- Paresthesia
- Parkinson's Disease
- Paronychia
- Pelvic inflammatory Disease
- Pemphigus
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Pericarditis
- Pericardium Obstructed By Turbid Phlegm
- Periodontal Disease
- Peritonsillar Abscess
- Pertussis
- Pharyngitis
- Pituitary Dysfunction
- Pityriasis Rosea
- Pleurisy
- Pneumonia
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Preeclampsia
- Premature Ejaculation
- Premenstrual Syndrome
- Prolapse
- Prostate Cancer
- Prostatitis
- Pruritus Ani
- Psoriasis
- Pyelonephritis
- Qi Xu (Deficiency)
- Raynaud's
- Rectal incontinence
- Reiter's Syndrome
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rhinitis/Common Cold
- Rosacea
- Roseola
- Rubella
- Rubeola
- Sciatica
- Scleroderma
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Seborrheic Dermatitis
- Seizure Disorders/Epilepsy
- Shen Disturbance
- Sinusitis
- Skin Cancer
- Skin Ulcer
- Small intestine Qi Tied
- Small intestine Stagnant Qi Pain
- Small intestine Xu (Deficient) and Cold
- Small intestine: Full Heat Descending From Heart
- Spinal Segmental Lesion
- Spleen and Liver Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency)
- Spleen Distressed By Dampness and Liver Qi Stagnation
- Spleen invaded By Cold-Damp
- Spleen Obstructed By External Damp
- Spleen Overcome By Damp-Heat
- Spleen Qi Sinking
- Spleen Qi Xu (Deficiency)
- Spleen Unable To Govern The Xue (Blood)
- Spleen Yang Xu (Deficiency)
- Spontaneous Abortion/Miscarriage
- Sprain/Strain
- Stomach Cancer
- Stomach Fire Blazing
- Stomach Food Stagnation
- Stomach invaded By Cold
- Stomach Qi Rebelling Upwards
- Stomach Qi Stagnation
- Stomach Qi Xu (Deficiency)
- Stomach Xu (Deficient) and Cold
- Stomach Xue Yu (Blood Stasis)
- Stomach Yin Xu (Deficiency)
- Strabismus
- Sty
- Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis
- Surgical Treatment Sequelae
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Tachycardia/Bradycardia
- Teething
- Tendinitis
- Testicular Cancer
- Thrombophlebitis
- Thyroid Cancer
- Tinea/Ringworm
- Tinnitus
- Tmj Syndrome
- Tonsillitis
- Torticollis
- Tuberculosis
- Turbid Phlegm Disturbs Head
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Urethritis
- Urinary Bladder Damp-Cold
- Urinary Bladder Damp-Heat
- Urinary Bladder Obstructed By Turbid Heat
- Urinary Bladder Xu (Deficient) and Cold
- Urinary Bladder Heart Fire Pours Downward
- Urinary incontinence
- Urticaria
- Uterine Cancer
- Uterine Fibroids
- Vaccination Sequelae
- Vaginitis/Leukorrhea
- Varicella
- Varicose Veins
- Venereal Disease
- Venereal Warts
- Vertigo/Dizziness
- Visual Disturbances
- Warts
- Wind - Wandering Bi
- Withdrawal From Addiction
- Wu-Xing: The Five Phases: Basic Concepts
- Wu-Xing: The Five Phases: Clinical Uses
- Wu-Xing: The Five Phases: Correspondences
- Wu-Xing: The Five Phases: Cycles
- Xue (Blood) Heat
- Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency)
- Xue Yu (Blood Stasis)
20 diverse disciplines. 2239 person-centered therapies.
- A Sight For Sore Eyes (Imagery)
- Abdominal Exercises (Exercise)
- Abies Canadensis (Herb)
- Abrams (Electronic Vibratory Rates)
- Acacia Senegal (Herb)
- Achillea Millefolium (Herb)
- Acid-Forming Foods (Constituents)
- Aconite (Remedy)
- Aconite And G.L.C. (Formula)
- Aconite And Oryza C. (Formula)
- Aconite, Ginseng And Ginger C. (Formula)
- Aconitum Napellus (Herb)
- Acorus Calamus (Herb)
- Addiction: Hologram Of An Alcoholic (Guidelines)
- Addiction: Psychosocial Approach (Guidelines)
- Adenophora And Oldenlandia C. (Formula)
- Adenophora And Ophiopogon C. (Formula)
- Adonis Vernalis (Herb)
- Adrenal Rescue (Imagery)
- Aerobic Exercise Program (Exercise)
- Aesculus Glabra (Herb)
- Aesculus Hippocastanum (Herb)
- Agaricus Muscarius (Remedy)
- Agastache F. (Formula)
- Agate (Gem)
- Agrimonia Eupatoria (Herb)
- Agrimony (Flower Essence)
- Agropyron Repens (Herb)
- Alaria Esculenta (Herb)
- Alchemilla Vulgaris (Herb)
- Alcoholism (Relaxation Techniques)
- Aletris Farinosa (Herb)
- Alfalfa Sprout (Food)
- Alkaline Broth (Recipe)
- Alkaline-Forming Foods (Constituents)
- Alkaloid Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Allium Cepa (Herb)
- Allium Sativum (Herb)
- Allium Ursinum (Herb)
- Almond (Food)
- Almond Milk (Recipe)
- Almond Pate (Recipe)
- Alnus Spp. (Herb)
- Aloe Spp. (Herb)
- Aloe Vera (Flower Essence)
- Alpinia Galanga (Herb)
- Alternating Extremity Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Althea Officinalis (Herb)
- Alumina (Remedy)
- Amaranth (Food)
- Amethyst (Gem)
- Ammi Visnaga (Herb)
- Ammonium Carbonicum (Remedy)
- An Mian (Extra Point)
- Anemone C. (Formula)
- Anemone Pulsatilla (Herb)
- Angelica (Flower Essence)
- Angelica Archangelica (Herb)
- Angelica Sinensis (Herb)
- Anger Strangle (Imagery)
- Anise (Food)
- Anthoxanthum Odoratum (Herb)
- Anthraquinone Gastrointestinal Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Anti-Allergen (Imagery)
- Anticancerous Remedies (Miasmatic Therapy)
- Anticholinergic Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Antipsoric Remedies (Miasmatic Therapy)
- Antisycotic Remedies (Miasmatic Therapy)
- Antisyphilitic Remedies (Miasmatic Therapy)
- Antitubercular Remedies (Miasmatic Therapy)
- Anxiety And Depression (Guidelines)
- Apis (Remedy)
- Apis Mellifera (Herb)
- Apocynum Androsaemifolium (Herb)
- Apocynum Cannabinum (Herb)
- Apple (Food)
- Applesauce Cake (Recipe)
- Apricot (Food)
- Apricot Seed And Linum F. (Formula)
- Apricot Seed And Perilla F. (Formula)
- Aquamarine (Gem)
- Aquilaria And Gastrodia C. (Formula)
- Aralia Racemosa (Herb)
- Arctium C. (Formula)
- Arctium Lappa (Herb)
- Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (Herb)
- Argentum Nitricum (Remedy)
- Arginine (Amino Acid)
- Armoracia Rusticana (Herb)
- Arnica (Flower Essence)
- Arnica Montana (Remedy)
- Arnica Spp. (Herb)
- Arsenicum Album (Remedy)
- Artemisia Absinthium (Herb)
- Artemisia Vulgaris (Herb)
- Artichoke, Globe (Food)
- Artichoke, Jerusalem (Food)
- Asarum Spp. (Herb)
- Ascending Douche (Hydrotherapy)
- Asclepias Tuberosa (Herb)
- Asparagus (Food)
- Aspartame (Sensitivities)
- Aspen (Flower Essence)
- Aspidium Filix-Mas (Herb)
- Aspidosperma Tomentosum (Herb)
- Asterias Rubens (Remedy)
- Astragalus And Atractylodes C. (Formula)
- Astragalus C. (Formula)
- Astringents (Ayurvedic Cold Weather Foods
- At The Forge (Imagery)
- Atopic Individual (Patient Profile)
- Atractylodes And Arisaema C. (Formula)
- Atractylodes And Setaria C. (Formula)
- Atractylodes C. (Formula)
- Atropa Belladonna (Herb)
- Attitudinal Healing (Guidelines)
- Aurum Metallicum (Remedy)
- Autogenic Training (Relaxation Techniques)
- Avena Sativa (Herb)
- Avocado (Food)
- Ayurvedic Healing (Traditions)
- Ayurvedic Hot Weather Foods
- Ayurvedic Kapha Foods
- Ayurvedic Nutritional Guidelines
- Ayurvedic Pitta Foods
- Ayurvedic Pitta-Kapha Foods
- Ayurvedic Rajasic Foods
- Ayurvedic Sattvic Foods
- Ayurvedic Tamasic Foods
- Ayurvedic Tastes (Rasa)
- Ayurvedic Tridoshas
- Ayurvedic Vayu Foods
- Ayurvedic Vayu-Kapha Foods
- Ayurvedic Vayu-Pitta Foods
- Ayurvedic Vayu-Pitta-Kapha Foods
- Azurite (Mineral)
- Ba Feng (Extra Points)
- Ba Xie (Extra Points)
- Babaganouj (Recipe)
- Bai Chong Wo (Extra Point)
- Bai Lao (Extra Point)
- Baked Fish In Coconut Sauce (Recipe)
- Baked Licorice C. (Formula)
- Baked Stuffed Apples (Recipe)
- Bamboo And Ginseng C. (Formula)
- Bamboo And Hoelen C. (Formula)
- Bamboo Leaf And Bupleurum C. (Formula)
- Bamboo Leaves And Gypsum C. (Formula)
- Bamboo Shoot (Food)
- Banana (Food)
- Bao Tai Zi Sheng Wan (Formula)
- Baptisia Tinctoria (Herb)
- Barley, Pearl (Food)
- Barosma Spp. (Herb)
- Baryta Carbonica (Remedy)
- Base (Human Energy Centers)
- Basic Accessing (Hypnotherapy Techniques)
- Basic Principles (Process Work)
- Basil (Flower Essence)
- Basil (Food)
- Beach Ball (Imagery)
- Bean Salad (Recipe)
- Bean, Adzuki (Adzuki Bean) (Food)
- Bean, Black (Black Bean) (Food)
- Bean, Dried (Dried Bean) (Food)
- Bean, Green (Green Bean) (Food)
- Bean, Mung (Mung Bean) (Food)
- Bear Journey (Imagery)
- Beaver Dammed (Imagery)
- Beech (Flower Essence)
- Beef (Food)
- Beet (Food)
- Beet Ravioli (Recipe)
- Behavior Modification Techniques (Guidelines)
- Behavioral Affirmations (Obesity)
- Behavioral Training (Relaxation Techniques)
- Bei Mu Gua Lou San (Formula)
- Belladonna (Remedy)
- Berberis Aquifolium (Herb)
- Berberis Vulgaris (Herb)
- Berberis Vulgaris (Remedy)
- Beta Vulgaris (Herb)
- Betula Spp. (Herb)
- Bi Tong (Extra Point)
- Bi Xie Shen Shi Tang (Formula)
- Bi Yan (Extra Point)
- Bi Yu San (Formula)
- Bi Zhong (Extra Point)
- Bian Ping You Decoction (Formula)
- Bidens Tripartita (Herb)
- Bieler Broth (Recipe)
- Biofeedback (Guidelines)
- Bioflavonoids (Vitamin P) (Vitamin)
- Biotin (Vitamin)
- Birth Complication - Breech (Imagery)
- Birth Complication - Fibroids (Imagery)
- Birth Complication - Past Complications (Imagery)
- Birth: Birth Visualization (Imagery)
- Birth: Exploratory Visualization (Imagery)
- Birth: Exploring Phobias (Imagery)
- Birth: Introductory Visualization (Imagery)
- Bitter (Chinese Foods)
- Bl- 1 (Bl-1): III-1: jing ming (Point)
- Bl- 2 (Bl-2): III-2: an zhu (Point)
- Bl- 7 (Bl-7): III-7: tong tian (Point)
- Bl-10: III-10: tian zhu (Point)
- Bl-11: III-11: da zhu (Point)
- Bl-12: III-12: feng men (Point)
- Bl-13: III-13: fei shu (Point)
- Bl-14: III-14: jue yin shu (Point)
- Bl-15: III-15: xin shu (Point)
- Bl-16: III-16: du shu (Point)
- Bl-17: III-17: ge shu (Point)
- Bl-18: III-18: gan shu (Point)
- Bl-19: III-19: dan shu (Point)
- Bl-20: III-20: pi shu (Point)
- Bl-21: III-21: wei shu (Point)
- Bl-22: III-22: san jiao shu (Point)
- Bl-23: III-23: shen shu (Point)
- Bl-24: III-24: qi hai shu (Point)
- Bl-25: III-25: da chang shu (Point)
- Bl-26: III-26: guan yuan shu (Point)
- Bl-27: III-27: xiao chang shu (Point)
- Bl-28: III-28: pang guang shu (Point)
- Bl-29: III-29: zhong lu shu (Point)
- Bl-30: III-30: bai huan shu (Point)
- Bl-31: III-31: shang liao (Point)
- Bl-32: III-32: ci liao (Point)
- Bl-33: III-33: zhong liao (Point)
- Bl-34: III-34: xia liao (Point)
- Bl-35: III-35: hui yang (Point)
- Bl-36: III-36: fu fen (Point)
- Bl-37: III-37: po hu (Point)
- Bl-38: III-38: gao huang shu (Point)
- Bl-39: III-39: shen tang (Point)
- Bl-40: III-40: yi xi (Point)
- Bl-41: III-41: ge guan (Point)
- Bl-42: III-42: hun men (Point)
- Bl-43: III-43: yang gang (Point)
- Bl-44: III-49: yi she (Point)
- Bl-45: III-45: wei cang (Point)
- Bl-46: III-46: huang men (Point)
- Bl-47: III-47: zhi shi (Point)
- Bl-48: III-48: bao huang (Point)
- Bl-49: III-49: zhi bian (Point)
- Bl-53: III-53: wei yang (Point)
- Bl-54: III-54: wei zhong (Point)
- Bl-57: III-57: cheng shan (Point)
- Bl-58: III-58: fei yang (Point)
- Bl-59: III-59: fu yang (Point)
- Bl-60: III-60: kun lun (Point)
- Bl-61: III-61: pu can (Point)
- Bl-62: III-62: shen mai (Point)
- Bl-63: III-63: jin men (Point)
- Bl-64: III-64: jing gu (Point)
- Bl-65: III-65: shu gu (Point)
- Bl-66: III-66: zu tong gu (Point)
- Bl-67: III-67: zhi yin (Point)
- Black Bean Soup (Recipe)
- Black-Eyed Peas With Greens (Recipe)
- Black-Eyed Susan (Flower Essence)
- Blackberry (Flower Essence)
- Blackberry (Food)
- Bland And Soft Diet (Specialized Diet)
- Bleeding Heart (Flower Essence)
- Blessing Of The Field (Imagery)
- Bloodstone (Mineral)
- Blue (Color)
- Blueberry (Food)
- Body Reveals: The Spirit (Principles)
- Body Rework (Imagery)
- Body Systems (Ayurvedic Homeopathy)
- Body Systems (Electronic Rates)
- Bodymind Psychobiology (Psychophysiology)
- Bodymind Relationships (Psychophysiology)
- Bok Choy (Food)
- Borage (Flower Essence)
- Borago Officinalis (Herb)
- Borscht (Recipe)
- Bos And Curcuma F. (Formula)
- Botanical Toxicity Ratings (Cautions)
- Botanicals (Dosage And Measurement Guidelines)
- Botanicals (Sources)
- Botanicals For Infants And Children (Dosage Guidelines)
- Botanicals: Therapeutic Actions (Dosing Methods And Philosophies Of Prescribing
- Brand Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Brassica Spp. (Herb)
- Breathing (Relaxation Techniques)
- Breathing Exercises (Exercise)
- Bringing Back The Sun (Imagery)
- Broccoli (Food)
- Brow (Human Energy Centers)
- Brussel Sprout (Food)
- Bryonia (Remedy)
- Bryonia Alba, Bryonia Dioica (Herb)
- Bu (Tonification) (Needling Technique)
- Bu Dai Wan (Formula)
- Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang (Formula)
- Buckwheat (Food)
- Bupleurum And Chih-Shih F. (Formula)
- Bupleurum And Cinnamon C. (Formula)
- Bupleurum And Cyperus C. (Formula)
- Bupleurum And Dragon Bone F. (Formula)
- Bupleurum And Peony F. (Formula)
- Bupleurum And Rehmannia C. (Formula)
- Bupleurum And Schizonepeta C. (Formula)
- Bupleurum And Tang Kuei F. (Formula)
- Bupleurum F. (Formula)
- Bupleurum, Cinnamon And Ginger C. (Formula)
- Burdened/Enduring (Masochist) (Character Typology)
- Burdock Root (Food)
- Buttercup (Flower Essence)
- Cabbage (Food)
- Caffeine Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Calcarea Carbonica (Remedy)
- Calcium (Ca) (Mineral)
- Calcium Content Of Foods (Constituents)
- Calendula (Flower Essence)
- Calendula (Remedy)
- Calendula Officinalis (Herb)
- California Pitcher Plant (Flower Essence)
- California Poppy (Flower Essence)
- California Wild Rose (Flower Essence)
- Calla Lily (Flower Essence)
- Calluna Vulgaris (Herb)
- Calm The Shen (Spirit) (Chinese Foods)
- Calming, Cooling Yin Foods (Chinese Foods)
- Cantharis Vesicatoria (Herb)
- Canyon Dudleya (Flower Essence)
- Capillaris C. (Formula)
- Capsella Bursa-Pastoris (Herb)
- Capsicum Spp. (Herb)
- Caraway Seed (Food)
- Carbo Animalis (Remedy)
- Carbo Vegetabilis (Remedy)
- Carcinosin (Remedy)
- Cardiac Glycosides Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Cardiovascular (Music)
- Cardiovascular Health Booklist (Patient Handout)
- Cardiovascular System (Electronic Rates)
- Cardiovascular System (Process Interview)
- Carduus Marianum (Remedy)
- Carica Papaya (Herb)
- Carnelian (Mineral)
- Carob (Food)
- Carrot (Food)
- Carrot Cake (Recipe)
- Carum Carvi (Herb)
- Cashew Chicken (Recipe)
- Cashew Milk (Recipe)
- Cassia Spp. (Herb)
- Casting Bright (Imagery)
- Castor Oil Pack (Hydrotherapy)
- Castor Oil Pack (Patient Handout)
- Catharanthus Roseus (Herb)
- Cauldron Alchemy And Initiation (Imagery)
- Cauliflower (Food)
- Caulophyllum Thalictroides (Herb)
- Causticum (Remedy)
- Cayenne (Flower Essence)
- Ceanothus (Remedy)
- Ceanothus Americanus (Herb)
- Celeriac (Celery Root) (Food)
- Celery (Food)
- Centaurium Erythraea (Herb)
- Centaury (Flower Essence)
- Central Nervous System (Electronic Rates)
- Cephaelis Ipecacuanha (Herb)
- Cerato (Flower Essence)
- Cervical Atypia (Integrated Therapy)
- Cervical Cancer Formula (Formula)
- Cervical Carcinoma In Situ (Integrated Therapy)
- Cervical Escharotic Treatment Instructions (Procedure)
- Chakras (Electronic Rates)
- Chamaelirium Luteum (Herb)
- Chamamaelum Nobilis (Herb)
- Chamomile (Flower Essence)
- Chamomilla (Remedy)
- Channel Examples (Process Work)
- Channels (Electronic Rates)
- Chaparral (Flower Essence)
- Chapman's Reflexes (Manipulation)
- Character Of (Human Energy Fields)
- Charming/Manipulative (Psychopath 2) (Character Typology)
- Check Seminal Ejaculation (Chinese Foods)
- Checklist (Obesity)
- Cheese, Cottage (Food)
- Chelidonium (Remedy)
- Chelidonium Majus (Herb)
- Chelone Glabra (Herb)
- Chemistry Screen: Albumin (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Albumin/Globulin Ratio (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Alkaline Phosphatase (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Bun (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Bun/Creatinine Ratio (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Calcium (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Carbon Dioxide (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Chloride (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Cholesterol/Hdl Ratio (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Creatinine (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Direct Bilirubin (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Ggtp (Ggt) (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Glucose (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Hdl (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Lactic Dehydrogenase (Ldh) (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Ldl (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Phosphorus (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Potassium (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Sgot (Ast) & Sgpt (Alt) (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Sodium (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Total Bilirubin (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Total Cholesterol (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Total Globulin (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Triglycerides (Lab)
- Chemistry Screen: Uric Acid (Lab)
- Chenopodium Spp. (Herb)
- Cherry (Food)
- Cherry Plum (Flower Essence)
- Chest Treasure (Imagery)
- Chestnut (Food)
- Chestnut Bud (Flower Essence)
- Chiang-Huo And Turmeric F. (Formula)
- Chicken (Food)
- Chickenpox Formula 2 (Formula)
- Chickpea And Almond Curry (Recipe)
- Chicory (Belgian Endive) (Food)
- Chicory (Flower Essence)
- Chih-Shih, Bakeri And Cinnamon C. (Formula)
- Chili Pepper (Food)
- Chimaphila (Remedy)
- Chimaphila Umbellata (Herb)
- Chinese Chicken Herb Soup (Recipe)
- Chinese Date (Red Or Black Jujube) (Food)
- Chinese Foods)
- Chinese Herbal Formulae (Sources)
- Chinese Herbs (Dosage Guidelines And Cautions)
- Chinese Herbs: Common Words (Glossary)
- Chinese Herbs: Plant Taxonomy Nomenclature (Glossary)
- Chionanthus Virginicus (Herb)
- Chives (Food)
- Cholesterol-Rich Foods (Constituents)
- Choline (Vitamin)
- Chondodendron Tomentosum (Herb)
- Chondrus Crispus (Herb)
- Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Chong Yao Pi Yan Decoction (Formula)
- Choo-Choo Granola (Muesli) (Recipe)
- Chord: Diminished 5Th (Sound)
- Chord: Diminished 7Th (Sound)
- Chord: Diminished 8Th (Sound)
- Chord: Diminished 9Th (Sound)
- Chord: Dominant 7Th (Sound)
- Chord: Tonic (Sound)
- Chromium (Cr) (Mineral)
- Chrysanthemum C. (Formula)
- Chrysocolla (Mineral)
- Chrysoprase (Mineral)
- Chu Shi Wei Ling Tang (Formula)
- Chuan Bi Tang (Formula)
- Chuan Xi (Extra Point)
- Cimicifuga And Peucedanum C. (Formula)
- Cimicifuga And Pueraria C. (Formula)
- Cimicifuga C. (Formula)
- Cimicifuga Racemosa (Herb)
- Cinchona (China) (Remedy)
- Cinchona Spp. (Herb)
- Cinchona Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Cinnamomum Camphora (Herb)
- Cinnamomum Verum, Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (Herb)
- Cinnamon (Food)
- Cinnamon And Anemarrhena C. (Formula)
- Cinnamon And Bulrush C. (Formula)
- Cinnamon And Dragon Bone C. (Formula)
- Cinnamon And Hoelen C. (Formula)
- Cinnamon And Persica C. (Formula)
- Cinnamon C. (Formula)
- Cinnamon Five Herb C. (Formula)
- Cinnamon, Aconite And Ginger C. (Formula)
- Citrine (Mineral)
- Citrullus Colocynthis (Herb)
- Citrullus Lanatus (Herb)
- Citrus And Crataegus C. (Formula)
- Citrus And Pinellia C. (Formula)
- Citrus Spp. (Herb)
- Citrus-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Clam (Food)
- Classical Homeopathy (Homeopathic Prescribing Techniques)
- Claviceps Purpurea (Herb)
- Clear Heat (Chinese Foods)
- Clear Quartz (Mineral)
- Clematis (Flower Essence)
- Clematis And Corydalis C. (Formula)
- Clematis And Stephania C. (Formula)
- Clove (Food)
- Clove And Kaki C. (Formula)
- Cnicus Benedictus (Herb)
- Cnidium And Moutan C. (Formula)
- Cnidium And Tea F. (Formula)
- Cobalt (Co) (Mineral)
- Cocculus Indicus (Remedy)
- Coconut (Food)
- Coffea Arabica (Herb)
- Coffee (Food)
- Cognitive Field (Human Energy Fields)
- Coix C. (Formula)
- Cola Spp. (Kola) (Herb)
- Colchicum Spp. (Herb)
- Cold Mitten Friction (Hydrotherapy)
- Collards (Food)
- Collinsonia Canadensis (Herb)
- Colors As Sounds (Color Therapy)
- Commiphora Spp. (Herb)
- Common Food Sensitivities (Sensitivities)
- Compassion And Healing (Principles)
- Complete Blood Count: Basophils (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Eosinophils (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Hematocrit (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Hemoglobin (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Lymphocytes (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Mch (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Mchc (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Mcv (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Monocytes (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Platelets (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Pmns (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Poikilocytosis (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Rbcs (Lab)
- Complete Blood Count: Wbcs (Lab)
- Comprehensive Stool Diagnosis (Lab)
- Compress Or Fomentation (Patient Handout)
- Condurango (Remedy)
- Condylomas - Cervical (Integrated Therapy)
- Condylomas - Vaginal (Integrated Therapy)
- Condylomas - Vulvar (Integrated Therapy)
- Conium (Remedy)
- Conium Maculatum (Herb)
- Consciousness Field (Human Energy Fields)
- Constitutional Hydrotherapy (Hydrotherapy)
- Convallaria Majalis (Herb)
- Converting A Symptom To A Signal (Principles)
- Cooking Times And Proportions For Grains And Beans (Patient Handout)
- Cool Xue (Blood) Heat (Chinese Foods)
- Copper (Cu) (Mineral)
- Copper (Mineral)
- Coptis And Rhubarb C. (Formula)
- Coptis And Scute C. (Formula)
- Coral (Mineral)
- Coriander (Food)
- Corn (Flower Essence)
- Corn (Food)
- Corn-Containing Products (Sensitivities)
- Corn-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Coryanthe Johimbe (Herb)
- Coumarin Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Counteract Toxins (Chinese Foods)
- Couscous (Recipe)
- Cow's Milk (Food)
- Crab (Food)
- Crab Apple (Flower Essence)
- Cranberry (Food)
- Crataegus (Remedy)
- Crataegus Spp. (Herb)
- Cream Of Squash Soup (Recipe)
- Crown (Human Energy Centers)
- Cruciferous Family Foods (Cabbage Family) (Sensitivities)
- Cucumber (Food)
- Cucumber Salsa (Recipe)
- Cucurbita Pepo (Herb)
- Currant (Food)
- Cutaneous System (Process Interview)
- CV- 1 (CV-1): XIII-1: hui yin (Point)
- CV- 2 (CV-2): XIII-2: qu gu (Point)
- CV- 3 (CV-3): XIII-3: zhong ji (Point)
- CV- 4 (CV-4): XIII-4: guan yuan (Point)
- CV- 5 (CV-5): XIII-5: shi men (Point)
- CV- 6 (CV-6): XIII-6: qi hai (Point)
- CV- 7 (CV-7): XIII-7: yin jiao (Point)
- CV- 8 (CV-8): XIII-8: qi zhong (Point)
- CV- 9 (CV-9): XIII-9: shui fen (Point)
- CV-10: XIII-10: xia guan (Point)
- CV-11: XIII-11: jian li (Point)
- CV-12: XIII-12: zhong wan (Point)
- CV-13: XIII-13: shang wan (Point)
- CV-14: XIII-14: ju que (Point)
- CV-15: XIII-15: jiu wei (Point)
- CV-17: XIII-17: shan zhong (Point)
- CV-21: XIII-21: xuan ji (Point)
- CV-22: XIII-22: tian tu (Point)
- CV-23: XIII-23: lian quan (Point)
- CV-24: XIII-24: cheng jiang (Point)
- Cyanogenic Glycoside Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Cyperus And Perilla C. (Formula)
- Cyrtopodium (Remedy)
- Cysteine (Amino Acid)
- Cytisus Scoparius (Herb)
- Da Ding Feng Zhu (Formula)
- Da Gu Kong (Extra Point)
- Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan (Formula)
- Dai Mai (Girdle Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Daikon Radish (Food)
- Dairy Foods & Substitutions (Specialized Diet)
- Dairy-Free Cornbread (Recipe)
- Dairy-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Dan Nang Xue (Extra Point)
- Dan Shen Yin (Formula)
- Dancing With Flowers (Imagery)
- Dandelion (Flower Essence)
- Dandelion C. (Formula)
- Dandelion Greens (Food)
- Dang Gui Long Hui Wan (Formula)
- Dao Tan Tang (Formula)
- Darkwood Brightmeadow (Imagery)
- Datura Spp. (Herb)
- Daucus Carota (Herb)
- Decoction (Patient Handout)
- Decoction Of Shortened Cycle (Formula)
- Deep Forest Telephone (Imagery)
- Deer Brush (Flower Essence)
- Delphinium Staphysagria (Herb)
- Dendrobium Night Sight Pills (Formula)
- Dependent/Endearing (Oral) (Character Typology)
- Descending (Chinese Foods)
- Di Huang Yin Zi (Formula)
- Diabetic Exchange Lists (Specialized Diet)
- Diamond (Mineral)
- Dianthus F. (Formula)
- Diaphoretics (Chinese Foods)
- Diet For Lowering Cholesterol (Patient Handout)
- Digestion (Chinese Physiology)
- Digestive System (Process Interview)
- Digitalis Purpurea (Herb)
- Digitron (Electronic Vibratory Rates)
- Dill (Flower Essence)
- Dill (Food)
- Dill Seed (Food)
- Ding Chuan (Extra Point)
- Ding Shen (Extra Point)
- Ding Zhi Wan (Formula)
- Dioscorea Villosa (Herb)
- Diphtheria F. (Formula)
- Discover Hidden Truth (Imagery)
- Discovering The Walnut (Imagery)
- Disease 1-100 (Electronic Rates)
- Disease 101-300 (Electronic Rates)
- Disease 301+ (Electronic Rates)
- Disorders (Human Energy Centers)
- Disorders (Human Energy Fields)
- Dispel Cold (Chinese Foods)
- Dispel Dampness (Chinese Foods)
- Dispel Wind (Chinese Foods)
- Disperse Xue Yu (Blood Stasis) (Chinese Foods)
- Diuretics (Chinese Foods)
- Divergent Channel Unions (Point Sets)
- Do It Again Lamb (Imagery)
- Dogwood (Flower Essence)
- Double Staircase (Imagery)
- Drainage Remedies (Homeopathic Prescribing Techniques)
- Drifting Down Stream (Imagery)
- Drosera Spp. (Herb)
- Drugs (Electronic Rates)
- Du Mai (Governing Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Duck (Food)
- Dust Of Ages (Imagery)
- Dysmenorrhea Exercise (Exercise)
- Ears/Hearing (Electronic Rates)
- Easter Lily (Flower Essence)
- Echinacea Spp. (Herb)
- Egg-Containing Products (Sensitivities)
- Egg-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Egg, Chicken (Food)
- Eggplant (Food)
- Egot: Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Deficiency (Lab)
- Elastic Blood Vessel (Imagery)
- Elderberry (Food)
- Electric Light Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Electropsychic Field (Human Energy Fields)
- Electrosomatic Field (Human Energy Fields)
- Electrospinal Therapy (Electrotherapy)
- Elettaria Cardamomum (Herb)
- Eleutherococcus Senticosus (Herb)
- Elimination/Rotation Diet (Therapeutic Diet)
- Elm (Flower Essence)
- Elsholtzia C. (Formula)
- Emerald (Gem)
- Emerald Tablet Of Hermes Trismegistus (Principles)
- Emotional Tone Scale (Principles)
- End Result (Imagery)
- Endive (Food)
- Endocrine System (Electronic Rates)
- Endocrine System (Process Interview)
- Endocrine-Influencing Points (Point Sets)
- Enema (Hydrotherapy)
- Ephedra Spp. (Herb)
- Equisetum Spp. (Herb)
- Er Bai (Extra Point)
- Er Jian (Extra Point)
- Er Long Zuo Ci Wan (Formula)
- Er Miao San (Formula)
- Er Xian Tang (Formula)
- Eraser (Imagery)
- Erigeron Canadensis (Herb)
- Eriobotrya And Ophiopogon C. (Formula)
- Eriodictyon Californicum (Herb)
- Eryngium Spp. (Herb)
- Escarole (Food)
- Eschscholzia California (Herb)
- Eucalyptus Spp. (Herb)
- Eucommia And Achyranthes F. (Formula)
- Eugenia Spp. (Herb)
- Euonymus Atropurpureus (Herb)
- Eupatorium Spp. (Herb)
- Euphorbia Spp. (Herb)
- Euphrasia Officinalis (Herb)
- Evodia C. (Formula)
- Exploratory Or Mechanistic? (Principles)
- Expressive/Clinging (Hysteric) (Character Typology)
- Eye Exercises (Exercise)
- Eye/Ear/Nose/Throat System (Process Interview)
- Eyes/Sight (Electronic Rates)
- Fagopyrum Esculentum (Herb)
- Fairy Lantern (Flower Essence)
- Fasting/Alkaline Fast (Therapeutic Diet)
- Fats And Lipids (Constituents)
- Female Reproductive System (Process Interview)
- Fen Xiao Tang (Formula)
- Fennel (Food)
- Fennel Salsa (Recipe)
- Ferrum Metallicum (Remedy)
- Ferula Asafoetida (Herb)
- Ferula Sumbul (Herb)
- Fever Treatments (Hydrotherapy)
- Fiber (Constituents)
- Ficus Spp. (Herb)
- Field Of Synthesis (Human Energy Fields)
- Fig (Food)
- Filaree (Flower Essence)
- Filipendula Ulmaria (Herb)
- Finding The Seed (Imagery)
- Fire And Ice (Imagery)
- First-Aid (Pamfa) (Imagery)
- Fish (Food)
- Five Phases - Earth (Chinese Foods)
- Five Phases - Fire (Chinese Foods)
- Five Phases - Metal (Chinese Foods)
- Five Phases - Water (Chinese Foods)
- Five Phases - Wood (Chinese Foods)
- Five Shu Transport Points: Overview (Point Sets)
- Flax Oil/Protein Mixture (Recipe)
- Flax Seed (Flaxseed) (Food)
- Fluorine (Fl) (Mineral)
- Fluorite (Mineral)
- Foeniculum Vulgare (Herb)
- Folic Acid (Folate) (Vitamin)
- Folic Acid (Folate) Deficiency (Lab)
- Food Combinations (Patient Handout)
- Food Qualities: Physiological Actions (Constituents)
- Food Quality (Patient Handout)
- Food Sensitivities (Patient Handout)
- Food Sensitivity Testing (Patient Handout)
- Foods (Electronic Rates)
- Foods Containing Sulphites (Constituents)
- Foods Containing Tyramine (Constituents)
- Foods High In Estrogen-Like Sterols (Constituents)
- Foods Low In Estrogen-Like Sterols (Constituents)
- Forget-Me-Not (Flower Essence)
- Forgiveness (Meditation)
- Formica Rufa (Remedy)
- Formula: Pinellia C. (Formula)
- Formula: Ping Xiao Dan (Formula)
- Forsythia And Laminaria C. (Formula)
- Forsythia And Rhubarb F. (Formula)
- Four Major Herbs (Formula)
- Four Needle Sedation (Acupuncture Technique)
- Four Needle Tonification (Acupuncture Technique)
- Frasera Canadensis (Herb)
- Frenkel Exercises (Exercise)
- Fresh Fruit Smoothie (Recipe)
- Fresh Ginger Dressing (Recipe)
- Frog Journey (Imagery)
- From Root To Leaf (Imagery)
- Fu Fang Ku Shen Feng (Formula)
- Fu Lung Kan C. (Formula)
- Fu Zheng (Formula)
- Fuchsia (Flower Essence)
- Fucus Vesiculosus (Herb)
- Fungal (Music)
- Galega Officinalis (Herb)
- Galium Aparine (Herb)
- Gall Bladder (Dan) (Chinese Foods)
- Gall Bladder (Dan) (Chinese Physiology)
- Gall Bladder (Dan) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan (Formula)
- Gan Re Xue (Extra Point)
- Gardenia And Soja C. (Formula)
- Gardenia And Vitex C. (Formula)
- Garlic (Flower Essence)
- Garlic (Food)
- Garlic Hot Water (Hydrotherapy)
- Garnet (Gem)
- Gasping F. (Formula)
- Gastroenteritis Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Gastrointestinal System (Electronic Rates)
- Gaultheria Procumbens (Herb)
- GB- 2 (GB-2): VII-2: ting hui (Point)
- GB-12: VII-12: wan gu (Point)
- GB-14: VII-14: yang bai (Point)
- GB-20: VII-20: feng chi (Point)
- GB-21: VII-21: jian jing (Point)
- GB-23: VII-23: zhe jin (Point)
- GB-24: VII-24: ri yue (Point)
- GB-25: VII-25: jing men (Point)
- GB-26: VII-26: dai mai (Point)
- GB-30: VII-30: huan tiao (Point)
- GB-31: VII-31: feng shi (Point)
- GB-34: VII-34: yang ling guan (Point)
- GB-35: VII-35: yang jiao (Point)
- GB-37: VII-37: guang ming (Point)
- GB-38: VII-38: yang fu (Point)
- GB-39: VII-39: xuan zhong (Point)
- GB-40: VII-40: qiu xu (Point)
- GB-41: VII-41: zu lin qi (Point)
- GB-42: VII-42: di wu hui (Point)
- GB-43: VII-43: jia xi (Point)
- GB-44: VII-44: zu qiao yin (Point)
- Gelatin And Artemesia Four C. (Formula)
- Gelsemium (Remedy)
- Gelsemium Sempervirens (Herb)
- Gelsemium Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- General Guidelines For Eating (Patient Handout)
- General Pancake Recipe (Recipe)
- General Sample Diet (Patient Handout)
- General Waffle Recipe (Recipe)
- Genitourinary System (Electronic Rates)
- Gentian (Flower Essence)
- Gentiana C. (Formula)
- Gentiana Lutea (Herb)
- Geranium Maculatum (Herb)
- Geum Urbanum (Herb)
- Ghost Points (Point Sets)
- Ginger (Food)
- Ginkgo Biloba (Herb)
- Ginseng And Astragalus C. (Formula)
- Ginseng And Atractylodes F. (Formula)
- Ginseng And Ginger C. (Formula)
- Ginseng And Gypsum C. (Formula)
- Ginseng And Longan C. (Formula)
- Ginseng And Tang Kuei Ten C. (Formula)
- Ginseng And Zanthoxylum C. (Formula)
- Ginseng And Zizyphus C. (Formula)
- Ginseng Nutritive C. (Formula)
- Gleditsia And Asarum C. (Formula)
- Gleditsia C. (Formula)
- Glossary (Process Work)
- Glossary)
- Gluten-Free Diet (Specialized Diet)
- Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Herb)
- Gnaphalium Uliginosum (Herb)
- Gold (Mineral)
- Gold Journey (Imagery)
- Golden Ear Drops (Flower Essence)
- Goldenrod (Flower Essence)
- Gorse (Flower Essence)
- Gossypium Spp. (Herb)
- Graduated Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Grain Qualities (Guidelines)
- Grape (Food)
- Grapefruit (Food)
- Graphites (Remedy)
- Great Electrical Current (Imagery)
- Greek Salsa (Recipe)
- Green (Color)
- Green Lawn (Imagery)
- Grindelia Camporum (Herb)
- Gu Chong Tang (Formula)
- Gu Jing Wan (Formula)
- Guacamalsa (Recipe)
- Guacamole (Recipe)
- Guaiacum Spp. (Herb)
- Guava (Food)
- Guidelines And Precautions (Affirmations For Healing
- Guidelines And Precautions (Hypnotherapy)
- Guidelines: Healthy Dietary Proportions (Patient Handout)
- Guidelines: Immune System Supplements (Patient Handout)
- Guidelines)
- Gun Tan Wan (Formula)
- GV- 1 (GV-1): XIV-1: chang qiang (Point)
- GV- 2 (GV-2): XIV-2: yao shu (Point)
- GV- 3 (GV-3): XIV-3: yao yang guan (Point)
- GV- 4 (GV-4): XIV-4: ming men (Point)
- GV- 6 (GV-6): XIV-6: ji zhong (Point)
- GV- 9 (GV-9): XIV-9: zhi yang (Point)
- GV-10: XIV-10: ling tai (Point)
- GV-12: XIV-12: shen zhu (Point)
- GV-13: XIV-13: tao dao (Point)
- GV-14: XIV-14: da zhui (Point)
- GV-15: XIV-15: ya men (Point)
- GV-16: XIV-16: feng fu (Point)
- GV-17: XIV-17: nao hu (Point)
- GV-20: XIV-20: bai hui (Point)
- GV-23: XIV-23: shang xing (Point)
- GV-26: XIV-26: ren zhong (Point)
- Gynecological Massage (Massage)
- Gypsum C. (Formula)
- Hai Quan (Extra Point)
- Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang (Formula)
- Hamamelis Virginiana (Herb)
- Hammock Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Hand Warming (Imagery)
- Harpagophytum Procumbens (Herb)
- Hawthorne Berry (Food)
- He Ding (Extra Point)
- Healing Belief Systems (Guidelines)
- Healing Power Of Humor (Principles)
- Healing Power Of Meditation (Principles)
- Healing Power Of Prayer (Principles)
- Healthy Immune System (Imagery)
- Healthy Snacks (Patient Handout)
- Heart (Human Energy Centers)
- Heart (Xin) (Chinese Foods)
- Heart (Xin) (Chinese Physiology)
- Heart (Xin) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Heart Bruise (Imagery)
- Hearty Pea Soup (Recipe)
- Heather (Flower Essence)
- Heating Compress (Hydrotherapy)
- Heating Trunk Pack (Hydrotherapy)
- Hedeoma Pulegioides (Herb)
- Hei Ba Gao (Formula)
- Hei Xiao Yao San (Formula)
- Helleborus Niger (Herb)
- Helonias (Remedy)
- Hepar Sulphuris (Remedy)
- Herbs Contraindicated In Pregnancy (Cautions)
- Herbs To Use With Caution In Pregnancy (Cautions)
- Herniaria Glabra (Herb)
- Hibiscus (Flower Essence)
- Hibiscus Esculentus (Herb)
- High Frequency (Electrotherapy)
- Hoelen And Areca C. (Formula)
- Hoelen And Schizandra F. (Formula)
- Hoelen Five Herbs F. (Formula)
- Hok Deng (Extra Point)
- Holly (Flower Essence)
- Hologram And Quantum Healing (Psychophysiology)
- Holographic Consciousness (Psychophysiology)
- Holographic Paradigm (Psychophysiology)
- Home-Made Pudding (Imagery)
- Homeopathic Medicines: Directions And Cautions (Patient Handout)
- Honey (Food)
- Honey Bear (Imagery)
- Honey Suckle (Flower Essence)
- Hong Ling Jiu (Formula)
- Hordeum Vulgare (Herb)
- Hornbeam (Flower Essence)
- Horseradish (Food)
- Hot Fomentation (Hydrotherapy)
- Hot Foot Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Hot Half Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Hound's Tongue (Flower Essence)
- Ht-1: I-1: ji quan (Point)
- Ht-2: I-2: qing ling (Point)
- Ht-3: I-3: xiao hai (Point)
- Ht-4: I-4: ling dao (Point)
- Ht-5: I-5: tong li (Point)
- Ht-6: I-6: yin xi (Point)
- Ht-7: I-7: shen men (Point)
- Ht-8: I-8: xiao fu (Point)
- Ht-9: I-9: xiao chong (Point)
- Hu Bian (Extra Point)
- Hua Tuo Jia Ji (Extra Points)
- Huai Hua San (Formula)
- Huang Xian Xing Tou Xian (Formula)
- Huckleberry (Food)
- Hummous (Recipe)
- Humulus Lupulus (Herb)
- Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan (Formula)
- Hura Braziliensis (Remedy)
- Hydrangea Arborescens (Herb)
- Hydrastis (Remedy)
- Hydrastis Canadensis (Herb)
- Hydrocotyle Asiatica (Herb)
- Hyoscyamus Niger (Herb)
- Hypericum Perforatum (Herb)
- Hyssopus Officinalis (Herb)
- Ice Bag/Ice Pack (Hydrotherapy)
- Ichthyol (Herb)
- Ignatia (Remedy)
- Imagery For Anxiety And Depression (Imagery)
- Imagery For Heart Conditions (Imagery)
- Imagery For Immune Enhancement (Imagery)
- Immune Enhancement (Cancer Treatments)
- Immune System (Process Interview)
- Impatiens (Flower Essence)
- Impatiens Spp. (Herb)
- Incubating Healing (Hypnotherapy Techniques)
- Indian Paintbrush (Flower Essence)
- Indian Pink (Flower Essence)
- Indigo (Color)
- Industrious/Overfocused (Phallic) (Character Typology)
- Infant Food Introductions: Schedule (Patient Handout)
- Infant Food Introductions: Vegetarian (Patient Handout)
- Infant Formula/Dairy (Recipe)
- Infant Formula/Grain (Recipe)
- Infant Formula/Nut (Recipe)
- Infant Formula/Soy (Recipe)
- Infusion (Patient Handout)
- Inositol (Vitamin)
- Insomnia Guidelines (Guidelines)
- Instead Of ... Try ... (Patient Handout)
- Interventions (Process Work)
- Interview (Process Work)
- Introduction (Character Typology Of Reich And Lowen)
- Introduction To Mind/Body Materia Medica (Principles)
- Inula And Hematite F. (Formula)
- Inula Helenium (Herb)
- Invigorate The Qi (Chinese Foods)
- Invigorate The Xue (Blood) (Chinese Foods)
- Iodine (I) (Mineral)
- Iris (Flower Essence)
- Iris Versicolor (Herb)
- Iron (Fe) (Mineral)
- Jade (Mineral)
- Jaspar (Mineral)
- Ji Chuan Jian (Formula)
- Ji Jiao Li Huang Wen (Formula)
- Jia Cheng Jiang (Extra Point)
- Jia Nei (Extra Point)
- Jian Ling Tang (Formula)
- Jian Ming (Extra Point)
- Jian Nei Ling (Extra Point)
- Jian Qian (Extra Point)
- Jie Chuang Decoction (Formula)
- Jie Du Xie Xin Tang (Formula)
- Jin Huang San (Formula)
- Jin Jin And Yu Yeh (Extra Points)
- Jin Ling Zi San (Formula)
- Jin-Ye (Vital Fluids) (Chinese Physiology)
- Jing (Essence) (Chinese Physiology)
- Jing Gong (Extra Point)
- Ju He Wan (Formula)
- Juglans Spp. (Herb)
- Juniperus Spp. (Herb)
- Kahuna Healing (Traditions)
- Kale (Food)
- Kali Bichromicum (Remedy)
- Kali Carbonicum (Remedy)
- Kalmia Latifolia (Herb)
- Kamut (Food)
- Kd- 1 (Kd-1): IV-1: yong guan (Point)
- Kd- 2 (Kd-2): IV-2: ran gu (Point)
- Kd- 3 (Kd-3): IV-3: tai xi (Point)
- Kd- 4 (Kd-4): IV-4: da zhong (Point)
- Kd- 5 (Kd-5): IV-5: shui quan (Point)
- Kd- 6 (Kd-6): IV-6: zhao hai (Point)
- Kd- 7 (Kd-7): IV-7: fu liu (Point)
- Kd- 8 (Kd-8): IV-8: jiao xin (Point)
- Kd- 9 (Kd-9): IV-9: zhu bin (Point)
- Kd-10: IV-10: yin gu (Point)
- Kd-12: IV-12: da he (Point)
- Kd-13: IV-13: qi xue (Point)
- Kd-14: IV-14: si man (Point)
- Kd-16: IV-16: huang shu (Point)
- Kd-19: IV-19: yin du (Point)
- Kd-24: IV-24: ling xu (Point)
- Kd-25: IV-25: shen cang (Point)
- Kd-27: IV-27: shu fu (Point)
- Kelp (Food)
- Kenyan Style Kale (Recipe)
- Key Concepts In Treatment Of Cervical Pathologies (Guide To Integrative Therapeutics Materia Medica
- Key Perspectives (Color Therapy)
- Kidney (Shen) (Chinese Foods)
- Kidney (Shen) (Chinese Physiology)
- Kidney (Shen) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Kohlrabi (Food)
- Ku Shen Zi Gao (Formula)
- Kuan Yin Journey (Imagery)
- Kudzu Drink (Recipe)
- Kumquat (Food)
- Lachesis (Remedy)
- Lactuca Virosa (Herb)
- Lamb (Food)
- Lan Wei (Xue) (Extra Point)
- Lapis Lazuli (Mineral)
- Larch (Flower Essence)
- Large Intestine ( Da Chang) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Large Intestine (Da Chang) (Chinese Foods)
- Large Intestine (Da Chang) (Chinese Physiology)
- Larkspur (Flower Essence)
- Larrea Spp. (Herb)
- Lavandula Spp. (Herb)
- Lavender (Flower Essence)
- Laws Of Cure (Principles)
- Lemon (Color)
- Lemon (Food)
- Lemon Poppyseed Dressing (Recipe)
- Lemon-Miso Soup (Recipe)
- Lentil (Food)
- Lentil Soup (Recipe)
- Leonurus Cardiaca (Herb)
- Leptandra Virginica (Herb)
- Lespedeza Capitata (Herb)
- Lettuce (Food)
- LI- 1 (LI-1): X-1: shang yang (Point)
- LI- 2 (LI-2): X-2: er jian (Point)
- LI- 3 (LI-3): X-3: san jian (Point)
- LI- 4 (LI-4): X-4: he gu (Point)
- LI- 5 (LI-5): X-5: yang xi (Point)
- LI- 6 (LI-6): X-6: pian li (Point)
- LI- 7 (LI-7): X-7: wen liu (Point)
- LI-10: X-10: shou san li (Point)
- LI-11: X-11: qu chi (Point)
- LI-14: X-14: bi nao (Point)
- LI-15: X-15: jian yu (Point)
- LI-16: X-16: ju gu (Point)
- LI-18: X-18: fu tu (Point)
- LI-19: X-19: he liao (Point)
- LI-20: X-20: ying xiang (Point)
- Liang Xue Si Wu Tang (Formula)
- Licorice (Food)
- Licorice And Aconite C. (Formula)
- Licorice And Jujube C. (Formula)
- Licorice And Ma Huang C. (Formula)
- Licorice, Minium And Honey C. (Formula)
- Life Shock (Imagery)
- Light Fingers (Imagery)
- Light, Diuretics (Chinese Foods)
- Ligusticum Levisticum (Herb)
- Ligusticum Porterii (Herb)
- Lilium Tigrinum (Herb)
- Lily C. (Formula)
- Lima Bean (Food)
- Lime (Food)
- Lindera And Cyperus F. (Formula)
- Lindera F. (Formula)
- Ling Hou (Extra Point)
- Linum Usitatissimum (Herb)
- Lithospermum And Oyster Shell C. (Formula)
- Lithospermum Spp. (Herb)
- Liver ( Gan) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Liver (Gan) (Chinese Foods)
- Liver (Gan) (Chinese Physiology)
- Liver And Eagle (Imagery)
- Liver Fomentation (Hydrotherapy)
- Liver Pump (Manipulation)
- Liver, Beef (Food)
- Lobaria Pulmonaria (Herb)
- Lobelia Inflata (Herb)
- Local Cold Applications (Hydrotherapy)
- Local Heat Applications (Hydrotherapy)
- Lomatium Dissectum (Herb)
- Long Distance (Imagery)
- Longan (Food)
- Lonicera And Forsythia C. (Formula)
- Loquat (Food)
- Lotus (Flower Essence)
- Lotus And Citrus C. (Formula)
- Lotus Seed (Food)
- Lotus Seed C. (Formula)
- Lotus Stamen F. (Formula)
- Low Back Exercises (Exercise)
- Low-Fat Diet (Specialized Diet)
- Lower Half Body Pack (Hydrotherapy)
- Lu- 1 (Lu-1): IX-1: zhong fu (Point)
- Lu- 2 (Lu-2): IX-2: yun men (Point)
- Lu- 3 (Lu-3): IX-3: tian fu (Point)
- Lu- 5 (Lu-5): IX-5: chi ze (Point)
- Lu- 6 (Lu-6): IX-6: kong zui (Point)
- Lu- 7 (Lu-7): IX-7: lie que (Point)
- Lu- 8 (Lu-8): IX-8: jing qu (Point)
- Lu- 9 (Lu-9): IX-9: tai yuan (Point)
- Lu-10: IX-10: yu ji (Point)
- Lu-11: IX-11: xiao shang (Point)
- Luminous Blue (Imagery)
- Lung (Fei) (Chinese Foods)
- Lung (Fei) (Chinese Physiology)
- Lung (Fei) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Luo Xue: Luo Connecting Points (Point Sets)
- Luo Zhen (Extra Point)
- Lv-1 (Lv-1): VIII-1: da dun (Point)
- Lv-2 (Lv-2): VIII-2: xing jian (Point)
- Lv-3 (Lv-3): VIII-3: tai chong (Point)
- Lv-4 (Lv-4): VIII-4: zhong feng (Point)
- Lv-5 (Lv-5): VIII-: li gou (Point)
- Lv-6 (Lv-6): VIII-6: zhong du (Point)
- Lv-7 (Lv-7): VIII-7: xi guan (Point)
- Lv-8 (Lv-8): VIII-8: qu quan (Point)
- Lv-13: VIII-13: zhang men (Point)
- Lv-14: VIII-14: qi men (Point)
- Lychee Fruit (Litchi) (Food)
- Lycium, Chrysanthemum, And Rehmannia C. (Formula)
- Lycopodium (Remedy)
- Lycopodium Clavatum (Herb)
- Lycopus Europaeus (Herb)
- Lymphatic/Immune (Electronic Rates)
- Lysine (Amino Acid)
- Ma Huang And Apricot Seed C. (Formula)
- Ma Huang And Atractylodes F. (Formula)
- Ma Huang And Coix C. (Formula)
- Ma Huang C. (Formula)
- Madia (Flower Essence)
- Magenta (Color)
- Magnesia Carbonica (Remedy)
- Magnesium (Mg) (Mineral)
- Magnificent Magical Ibis (Imagery)
- Magnolia And Ginger C. (Formula)
- Magnolia And Saussurea C. (Formula)
- Magnolia Flower And Gypsum C. (Formula)
- Maintenance And Therapeutic Doses (Guidelines)
- Major Bupleurum C. (Formula)
- Major Rhubarb C. (Formula)
- Major Zanthoxylum C. (Formula)
- Malachite (Mineral)
- Male Reproductive System (Process Interview)
- Mallow (Flower Essence)
- Malva Sylvestris (Herb)
- Manganese (Mn) (Mineral)
- Mango (Food)
- Manthis F. (Formula)
- Manzanita (Flower Essence)
- Mariposa Lily (Flower Essence)
- Marjoram (Food)
- Marrubium Vulgare (Herb)
- Marsdenia Condurango (Herb)
- Matricaria Chamomilla (Herb)
- Measles Formula 1 (Formula)
- Measles Formula 2 (Formula)
- Medicago Sativa (Herb)
- Meditation (Relaxation Techniques)
- Mediterranean Quinoa Salad (Recipe)
- Medorrhinum (Remedy)
- Meeting Zones (Point Sets)
- Mei Gui Kang Zheng Decoction (Formula)
- Melaleuca Spp. (Herb)
- Melilotus Officinalis (Herb)
- Melissa Officinalis (Herb)
- Melon (Food)
- Mending Bone (Imagery)
- Mental Signs Of Channel Disorders (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Mental/Emotional (Music)
- Mentha Piperita (Herb)
- Mentha Pulegium (Herb)
- Mentha Virosa (Herb)
- Menyanthes Trifoliata (Herb)
- Mercurius Vivus, Mercurius Sol. (Remedy)
- Metals/Minerals (Electronic Rates)
- Methionine (Amino Acid)
- Mezereum (Remedy)
- Miao Xiang San (Formula)
- Miasms (Electronic Rates)
- Mild Cervical Dysplasia (Integrated Therapy)
- Mild Cervical Dysplasia With Condyloma (Integrated Therapy)
- Milk-Containing Products (Sensitivities)
- Millet (Food)
- Mimulus (Flower Essence)
- Mind Beyond Body (Principles)
- Mineral Salt Qualities (Guidelines)
- Minor Blue Dragon C. (Formula)
- Minor Bupleurum C. (Formula)
- Minor Cinnamon And Peony C. (Formula)
- Minor Trichosanthes F. (Formula)
- Mirror Exercises (Exercise)
- Miscellaneous (Electronic Rates)
- Miso Soup (Recipe)
- Mitchella Repens (Herb)
- Moderate Cervical Dysplasia (Integrated Therapy)
- Moderate Cervical Dysplasia With Condyloma (Integrated Therapy)
- Modified Qing Ji Sheng Shi Tang (Formula)
- Moisten Dryness (Chinese Foods)
- Moisten Intestines (Chinese Foods)
- Moisten Lung (Chinese Foods)
- Molasses (Food)
- Molybdenum (Mo) (Mineral)
- Monad Field (Human Energy Fields)
- Monarda Punctata (Herb)
- Monsonia Ovata (Herb)
- Moonstone (Mineral)
- Morning Glory (Flower Essence)
- Morus And Chrysanthemum C. (Formula)
- Morus And Lycium C. (Formula)
- Morus And Platycodon F. (Formula)
- Mother And Child Points (Point Sets)
- Motor Nervous System Schedule (Color Therapy)
- Mountain Pennyroyal (Flower Essence)
- Mountain Pride (Flower Essence)
- Mouth/Taste (Electronic Rates)
- Mu Alarm And Shu Associated Points (Point Sets)
- Mugwort (Flower Essence)
- Mulberry (Food)
- Mullein (Flower Essence)
- Mulligatawny Soup (Recipe)
- Mume F. (Formula)
- Musa Spp. (Herb)
- Musculoskeletal (Music)
- Musculoskeletal System (Electronic Rates)
- Musculoskeletal System (Process Interview)
- Mushroom (Food)
- Mushroom Barley Soup With Beans (Recipe)
- Mushroom Tofu Stroganoff (Recipe)
- Mustard (Flower Essence)
- Mustard Greens (Food)
- Mustard Plaster (Hydrotherapy)
- Mustard Poultice Or Plaster (Patient Handout)
- Mut And Crone Journey (Imagery)
- Myrica Cerifera (Herb)
- Myroxylon Balsamum (Herb)
- Nang Di (Extra Point)
- Nao Qing (Extra Point)
- Nasal Irrigation (Hydrotherapy)
- Nasal Turbinate (Hydrotherapy)
- Nasosympathico Technique (Procedure)
- Nasturtium (Flower Essence)
- Native American Healing (Traditions)
- Natrum Carbonicum (Remedy)
- Natrum Muriaticum (Remedy)
- Natural Sweeteners (Patient Handout)
- Nectarine (Food)
- Nei Huai Jian (Extra Point)
- Nei Xi Yan (Extra Point)
- Nepeta Cataria (Herb)
- Neutral Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Neutral Flavor (Chinese Foods)
- Nicotiana Tabacum (Herb)
- Nicotinic Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Nightshade-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Nine Needles For Returning The Yang (Point Sets)
- Nitric Acid (Remedy)
- Nocebo Effect (Principles)
- Non-Dairy Maple Frosting (Recipe)
- Non-Fat Corn Chips (Recipe)
- Nose/Smell (Electronic Rates)
- Note: A (Sound)
- Note: B (Sound)
- Note: C (Sound)
- Note: D (Sound)
- Note: E (Sound)
- Note: F (Sound)
- Note: G (Sound)
- Nourish Lung Yin (Chinese Foods)
- Nourishing Breathing (Exercise)
- Nuan Gan Jian (Formula)
- Nut-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Nutmeg (Food)
- Nuts (Food)
- Nux Vomica (Remedy)
- Oak (Flower Essence)
- Oat (Food)
- Oatmeal Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Observation (Process Work)
- Oenanthe Crocata (Herb)
- Oenothera Biennis (Herb)
- Oil Well (Imagery)
- Okra (Food)
- Olive (Flower Essence)
- Olive (Food)
- Omega-3 (Epa) (Essential Fatty Acids)
- Omega-6 (La And Gla) (Essential Fatty Acids)
- On The Shelf (Imagery)
- Onion (Food)
- Onyx (Mineral)
- Opal (Mineral)
- Open Channels & Clear Obstructions (Chinese Foods)
- Open Flow (Imagery)
- Open Windows (Imagery)
- Ophiopogon And Asarum C. (Formula)
- Ophiopogon C. (Formula)
- Oplopanax Horridum (Herb)
- Orange (Color)
- Orange (Food)
- Oregon Grape (Flower Essence)
- Ornithogalum (Remedy)
- Orthosiphon Stamineus (Herb)
- Osteoarthritis Exercise (Exercise)
- Other Irritants (Electronic Rates)
- Over-Eating (Imagery)
- Overview (Human Energy Centers)
- Overview (Human Energy Fields)
- Overview (Hypnotherapy)
- Oxalate Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Oyster (Food)
- Paba (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) (Vitamin)
- Paeonia Officinalis (Herb)
- Pain (Beyond The Body) (Meditation)
- Pain (Exploration) (Meditation)
- Pain (Float Free) (Meditation)
- Pain (Music)
- Pain (Opening) (Meditation)
- Pain (Relaxation) (Meditation)
- Pain Control (Hydrotherapy)
- Panax Ginseng (Herb)
- Panax Quinquefolius (Herb)
- Papaver Somniferum (Herb)
- Papaya (Food)
- Papaya/Mango Salsa #1 (Recipe)
- Papaya/Mango Salsa #2 (Recipe)
- Paraffin Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Paralysis Exercises (Exercise)
- Parasympathomimetic Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Parietaria Spp. (Herb)
- Parsley (Food)
- Parsnip (Food)
- Parting Love (Imagery)
- Passiflora Incarnata (Herb)
- PC-1: V-1: tian chi (Point)
- PC-2: V-2: tian guan (Point)
- PC-3: V-3: qu ze (Point)
- PC-4: V-4: xi men (Point)
- PC-5: V-5: jian shi (Point)
- PC-6: V-6: nei guan (Point)
- PC-7: V-7: da ling (Point)
- PC-8: V-8: lao gong (Point)
- PC-9: V-9: zhong chong (Point)
- Peanut Dipping Sauce (Recipe)
- Peanuts (Food)
- Pearl (Mineral)
- Pediatric Type (Calcarea Carbonica) (Constitutional Therapy)
- Pediatric Type (Calcium Fluoride) (Constitutional Therapy)
- Pediatric Type (Calcium Phosphate) (Constitutional Therapy)
- Pediatric Type (Sulphur) (Constitutional Therapy)
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Exercises (Exercise)
- Pelvic Muscle Exercises (Exercise)
- Pendulum Exercises (Exercise)
- Penstemon (Flower Essence)
- Peony And Licorice C. (Formula)
- Peony C. (Formula)
- Pepper (Food)
- Peppermint (Flower Essence)
- Peppermint (Food)
- Peppers, Bell: Green, Red (Food)
- Perfect Remedies (Ayurvedic Homeopathy)
- Perfect White (Imagery)
- Pericardium (Xin Bao) (Chinese Physiology)
- Pericardium (Xin Bao) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Peridot (Mineral)
- Peroxide Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Persica And Rhubarb C. (Formula)
- Persimmon (Food)
- Personality Characteristics (Cancer Patients)
- Pesticides In Produce (Patient Handout)
- Petroleum (Remedy)
- Petroselinum Crispum (Herb)
- Peumus Boldo (Herb)
- Phase: Earth (Chinese Cosmology)
- Phase: Fire (Chinese Cosmology)
- Phase: Metal (Chinese Cosmology)
- Phase: Water (Chinese Cosmology)
- Phase: Wood (Chinese Cosmology)
- Phaseolus Vulgaris (Herb)
- Phellodendron C. (Formula)
- Phenylalanine (Amino Acid)
- Phosphoric Acid (Remedy)
- Phosphorus (P) (Mineral)
- Phosphorus (Remedy)
- Physostigma Venenosum (Herb)
- Phytolacca (Remedy)
- Phytolacca Spp. (Herb)
- Pi Gen (Extra Point)
- Picrorrhiza And Mume C. (Formula)
- Pie Crust #1 (Recipe)
- Pie Crust #2 (Recipe)
- Pilocarpus Spp. (Herb)
- Pilosella Officinarum (Herb)
- Pimpinella Anisum (Herb)
- Pine (Flower Essence)
- Pine Nut (Food)
- Pineapple (Food)
- Pinellia And Arisaema C. (Formula)
- Pinellia And Gardenia C. (Formula)
- Pinellia And Gastrodia C. (Formula)
- Pinellia And Ginger C. (Formula)
- Pinellia And Ginseng Six C. (Formula)
- Pinellia And Magnolia C. (Formula)
- Pink Monkeyflower (Flower Essence)
- Pink Yarrow (Flower Essence)
- Pinus Canadensis (Herb)
- Piper Cubeba (Herb)
- Piper Methysticum (Herb)
- Piscidia Spp. (Herb)
- Pistacia Spp. (Herb)
- Pistacia Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Plant Part Affinities (Guidelines)
- Plant Part Affinities (Guidelines)
- Plantago Spp. (Herb)
- Plantain (Food)
- Platina (Remedy)
- Platycodon And Fritillaria C. (Formula)
- Platycodon And Schizonepeta F. (Formula)
- Platycodon C. (Formula)
- Plum (Food)
- Plumbum (Remedy)
- Podophyllum Peltatum (Herb)
- Poison Oak (Flower Essence)
- Polygala Senega (Herb)
- Polygonatum Spp. (Herb)
- Polygonum Bistorta (Herb)
- Polymnia Uvedalia (Herb)
- Polytrichum Juniperum (Herb)
- Pomegranate (Flower Essence)
- Pomegranate (Food)
- Populus Spp. (Herb)
- Pork (Food)
- Positive Remedies (Homeopathic Prescribing Techniques)
- Potassium (K) (Mineral)
- Potassium Content Of Foods (Constituents)
- Potato (Food)
- Poultice Or Plaster (Patient Handout)
- Poultices (Hydrotherapy)
- Pouring Liquid Headache (Imagery)
- Precautions With Aa Programs (Recovery)
- Precautions: Beyond Individual Visualizations (Imagery)
- Precautions: Contraindications (Imagery)
- Precautions: Roles, Cautions And Tactics (Imagery)
- Precautions: Simontons' Approach (Imagery)
- Precautions: Spindrift Research (Imagery)
- Prenatal Exercises (Exercise)
- Prepractiscription For Yin-Deficient Tooth Pain (Formula)
- Primula Spp. (Herb)
- Principles: Receptive Or Programmed? (Imagery)
- Problem Solving (Hypnotherapy Techniques)
- Process Paradigm (Principles)
- Produce Fluids (Chinese Foods)
- Progressive (Relaxation Techniques)
- Prostatic Massage (Massage)
- Protoanemonin Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Provencal Stew (Recipe)
- Prunus Spp. (Herb)
- Psorinum (Remedy)
- Psychic Healing (Principles)
- Psycho/Neurological System (Process Interview)
- Psychoneuroimmunology (Cancer Correlations)
- Pterocarpus Marsupium (Herb)
- Pteropus And Bulrush F. (Formula)
- Pteropus And Lindera C. (Formula)
- Pueraria And Carthamus F. (Formula)
- Pueraria C. (Formula)
- Pueraria Flower C. (Formula)
- Pueraria Nasal C. (Formula)
- Pueraria, Coptis And Scute C. (Formula)
- Pulmonaria Officinalis (Herb)
- Pulsatilla (Remedy)
- Pumpkin (Food)
- Pumpkin Pie (Recipe)
- Pumpkin Seed/Olive Pate (Recipe)
- Pungent Flavor (Chinese Foods)
- Purine Levels Of Foods (Constituents)
- Purple (Color)
- Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Qi (Vital Energy) (Chinese Physiology)
- Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan (Formula)
- Qi Ying (Extra Point)
- Qian Faji (Extra Point)
- Qian Zheng (Extra Point)
- Qiang Lang Tang (Formula)
- Qigong (Exercise)
- Qigong: Abdomen (Exercise)
- Qigong: Basic Stance (Exercise)
- Qigong: Cystitis (Exercise)
- Qigong: Essentials Of Breathing (Exercise)
- Qigong: Hemorrhoids (Exercise)
- Qigong: Introduction (Exercise)
- Qigong: Obesity (Exercise)
- Qigong: Overview And Uses (Exercise)
- Qigong: Pleurisy (Exercise)
- Qigong: Pronunciation Exercises (Exercise)
- Qigong: Prostate (Exercise)
- Qigong: Relaxation Exercises (Exercise)
- Qigong: Sciatica (Exercise)
- Qigong: Uterus (Exercise)
- Qing Dan Xie Huo Tang (Formula)
- Qing Jing Zhi Xue Tang (Formula)
- Qing Peng San (Formula)
- Qing Pi Chu Shi Yin (Formula)
- Qing Shu Tang (Formula)
- Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang I (Formula)
- Qing Wei San (Formula)
- Qing Ying Tang (Formula)
- Qiu Hou (Extra Point)
- Qu Tiao Tang (Formula)
- Quaking Grass (Flower Essence)
- Quantum Healing (Principles)
- Quassia Amara (Herb)
- Quercus Glandium Spiritus (Remedy)
- Quercus Spp. (Herb)
- Quince (Flower Essence)
- Quinine-Like Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Quinoa (Basic Recipe) (Recipe)
- Quinoa (Food)
- Quinoa And Tomato Soup (Recipe)
- Quinoa Tabouli (Recipe)
- Rabbitbrush (Flower Essence)
- Radish (Food)
- Rain Of Light (Imagery)
- Rainbow Butterfly Journey (Imagery)
- Raise Yang (Chinese Foods)
- Raphanus Sativus (Herb)
- Raspberry (Food)
- Rauwolfia Serpentina (Herb)
- Rearing The Yin Decoction Modified (Formula)
- Rectal Dilation (Manipulation)
- Red (Color)
- Red Cabbage With Fennel (Recipe)
- Red Cabbage With Pomegranate (Recipe)
- Red Chestnut (Flower Essence)
- Red Clover (Flower Essence)
- Red Pepper Rouille (Recipe)
- Red-Gold Lamp (Imagery)
- Reflecting Wall (Imagery)
- Reframing (Principles)
- Rehmannia And Akebia F. (Formula)
- Rehmannia And Gypsum C. (Formula)
- Rehmannia And Lonicera F. (Formula)
- Rehmannia Eight F. (Formula)
- Rehmannia Six F. (Formula)
- Reichian Therapy (Traditions)
- Relaxation Breathing (Exercise)
- Remembering (Relaxation Techniques)
- Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Reparenting (Imagery)
- Reproductive (Electronic Rates)
- Rescue Remedy (Flower Essence)
- Resolve Phlegm (Chinese Foods)
- Resources: Allergy Cookbook List (Sensitivities)
- Respiratory System (Electronic Rates)
- Respiratory System (Process Interview)
- Reverse Effect (Imagery)
- Rhamnus Spp. (Herb)
- Rheum Spp. (Herb)
- Rhubarb (Food)
- Rhubarb And Aconite C. (Formula)
- Rhubarb And Mirabilitum (Formula)
- Rhubarb And Moutan C. (Formula)
- Rhus Aromatica, Glabra (Herb)
- Rhus Toxicodendron (Herb)
- Rhus Toxicodendron (Remedy)
- Ribes Nigra (Herb)
- Rice, Brown (Food)
- Ricin Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Ricinus Communis (Herb)
- Rife Findings (Color Therapy)
- Rinsing The Hair (Imagery)
- Rock Rose (Flower Essence)
- Rock Water (Flower Essence)
- Roots And Nodes Of The Six Channels (Point Sets)
- Rosa Spp. (Herb)
- Rose Quartz (Mineral)
- Rosemary (Flower Essence)
- Rosemary (Food)
- Rosmarinus Officinalis (Herb)
- Rotation Diet (Specialized Diet)
- Rotation Diet Expanded (Specialized Diet)
- Rubus Spp. (Herb)
- Ruby (Mineral)
- Rumex Crispus (Herb)
- Run Chang Wan (Formula)
- Russian Steam Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Ruta Graveolens (Herb)
- Ruta Graveolens (Remedy)
- Rutilated Quartz (Mineral)
- Sacral Plexus (Human Energy Centers)
- Saffron (Food)
- Sage (Flower Essence)
- Sagebrush (Flower Essence)
- Saguaro (Flower Essence)
- Saint John's Wort (Flower Essence)
- Salicylate Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Salix Spp. (Herb)
- Salmon (Food)
- Salt Glow (Hydrotherapy)
- Salty Flavor (Chinese Foods)
- Salvia Officinalis (Herb)
- Sambucus Spp. (Herb)
- Sample Vegetarian Diet (Specialized Diet)
- San Ren Tang (Formula)
- Sand Pile (Imagery)
- Sanguinaria Canadensis (Herb)
- Sanguisorba Officinalis (Herb)
- Sanicula Marilandica (Herb)
- Santalum Album (Herb)
- Saponin Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Sapphire (Mineral)
- Sardine (Food)
- Sarsaparilla (Remedy)
- Sassafras Spp. (Herb)
- Saussurea And Cardamon C. (Formula)
- Scallion (Food)
- Scarlet (Color)
- Scarlet Monkeyflower (Flower Essence)
- Schilling Test: Vitamin B12 (Lab)
- Schizonepeta And Siler F. (Formula)
- Scleranthus (Flower Essence)
- Scolopendra And Zedoria C. (Formula)
- Scotch Broom (Flower Essence)
- Scotch Douche (Hydrotherapy)
- Scrophularia Nodosa (Herb)
- Scrophularia Nodosa (Remedy)
- Scute And Cimicifuga C. (Formula)
- Scute C. (Formula)
- Scutellaria Spp. (Herb)
- Sea Of Tears (Imagery)
- Search For God - 'A Wounding' (Guidelines)
- Seaweed Or Kelp (Food)
- Securing The Teeth Powder (Formula)
- Sedum Acre (Remedy)
- See Through Anger (Imagery)
- Selenicereus Grandiflorus (Herb)
- Selenium (Se) (Mineral)
- Self-Cleaning Drain (Imagery)
- Self-Heal (Flower Essence)
- Self-Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
- Self-Programming (Imagery)
- Self-Reliant/Independent (Compensated Oral) (Character Typology)
- Senecio Spp. (Herb)
- Senna (Remedy)
- Sennoside Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Sensitive/Withdrawn (Schizoid) (Character Typology)
- Sensory Nervous System Schedule (Color Therapy)
- Sepia (Remedy)
- Serenoa Spp. (Herb)
- Serum B12 (Microbial Assay) (Lab)
- Sesame Bars (Recipe)
- Sesame Rice (Recipe)
- Sesame Seed (Food)
- Severe Cervical Dysplasia (Integrated Therapy)
- Severe Cervical Dysplasia With Condyloma (Integrated Therapy)
- Shang Ba Feng (Extra Points)
- Shang Ba Xie (Extra Points)
- Shang Tian Zhu (Extra Point)
- Shasta Daisy (Flower Essence)
- Shen (Spirit Or Mind) (Chinese Physiology)
- Shen Fu Tang (Formula)
- Shen Jie San (Formula)
- Shen Xi (Extra Point)
- Shen Ying Yang Zhen Dan (Formula)
- Sheng Mai San (Formula)
- Shi Gao Tang (Formula)
- Shi Pi Yin (Formula)
- Shi Qi Zhui Xia (Extra Point)
- Shi Wei San (Formula)
- Shi Wei Wen Dan Tang (Formula)
- Shi Xuan (Extra Points)
- Shifting Cerebral Hemispheric Dominance (Psychophysiology)
- Shooting Star (Flower Essence)
- Short Cold Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Shu Gan Li Pi Tang (Formula)
- Shu Transporting Point Functions (Point Sets)
- Shu Transporting Points - Yang Channels (Point Sets)
- Shu Transporting Points - Yin Channels (Point Sets)
- Si Feng (Extra Points)
- Si Hua (Extra Points)
- Si Miao Yong An Tang (Formula)
- Si Shen Cong (Extra Points)
- Si Sheng Wan (Formula)
- Si Yao You Gao (Formula)
- SI- 1 (SI-1): II-1: xiao ze (Point)
- SI- 2 (SI-2): II-2: qian gu (Point)
- SI- 3 (SI-3): II-3: hou xi (Point)
- SI- 4 (SI-4): II-4: wan gu (Point)
- SI- 5 (SI-5): II-5: yang gu (Point)
- SI- 6 (SI-6): II-6: yang lao (Point)
- SI- 7 (SI-7): II-7: zhi zheng (Point)
- SI- 8 (SI-8): II-8: xiao hai (Point)
- SI-11: II-11: tian zong (Point)
- SI-16: II-16: tian chuang (Point)
- SI-19: II-19: ting gong (Point)
- Siler And Coix C. (Formula)
- Siler And Licorice F. (Formula)
- Siler And Platycodon C. (Formula)
- Silicea (Remedy)
- Silicon (Si) (Mineral)
- Silver (Mineral)
- Silver Bell (Imagery)
- Silver-Winged Bird (Imagery)
- Silybum Marianum (Herb)
- Sinus Wash (Patient Handout)
- Sitz Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Six Major Herbs F. (Formula)
- Skin Correlations And Metaphors (Psychophysiology)
- Skin Deep (Imagery)
- Small Intestine (Xiao Chang) (Chinese Foods)
- Small Intestine (Xiao Chang) (Chinese Physiology)
- Small Intestine (Xiao Chang) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Smilax Spp. (Herb)
- Snow Pea (Food)
- Sodalite (Mineral)
- Sodium (Na) (Mineral)
- Sodium Content Of Foods (Constituents)
- Sodium-Restricted Diet (Specialized Diet)
- Soften Masses (Chinese Foods)
- Solanum Spp. (Herb)
- Solar Plexus (Human Energy Centers)
- Solidago (Flower Essence)
- Solidago Virgaurea (Herb)
- Solidago Virgaurea (Remedy)
- Solyanka (Recipe)
- Sour Flavor (Chinese Foods)
- Source Points: Yuan Xue (Point Sets)
- Soy-Containing Products (Sensitivities)
- Soy-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Soybean Sprouts (Food)
- Soybean, Black (Food)
- Soybean, Yellow (Food)
- Sp- 1 (Sp-1): XII-1: yin bai (Point)
- Sp- 2 (Sp-2): XII-2: da du (Point)
- Sp- 3 (Sp-3): XII-3: tai bei (Point)
- Sp- 4 (Sp-4): XII-4: gong sun (Point)
- Sp- 5 (Sp-5): XII-5: shang qiu (Point)
- Sp- 6 (Sp-6): XII-6: san yin jiao (Point)
- Sp- 8 (Sp-8): XII-8: di ji (Point)
- Sp- 9 (Sp-9): XII-9: yin ling quan (Point)
- Sp-10: XII-10: xue hai (Point)
- Sp-12: XI-12: que pen (Point)
- Sp-12: XII-12: chong men (Point)
- Sp-13: XII-13: fu she (Point)
- Sp-15: XII-15: da heng (Point)
- Sp-21: XII-21: da bao (Point)
- Spaghetti With Tuna Sauce (Recipe)
- Spanish Rice With Soy (Recipe)
- Spearmint (Food)
- Spelt (Food)
- Spelt Pancakes (Recipe)
- Spelt Tortillas (Recipe)
- Spelt-Amazake Bread (Recipe)
- Spigelia Marilandica (Herb)
- Spinach (Food)
- Spinach Pie (Recipe)
- Spinal Nerves (Electronic Rates)
- Spinal Pack (Hydrotherapy)
- Spleen (Pi) (Chinese Foods)
- Spleen (Pi) (Chinese Physiology)
- Spleen (Pi) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Spleen Qi/Yang Xu (Deficiency) Diet (Specialized Diet)
- Spondylitis Exercises (Exercise)
- Spondylotherapy (Manipulation)
- Sprouting (Patient Handout)
- Sprouting Instructions (Patient Handout)
- Squash (Food)
- St- 2 (St-2): XI-2: si bai (Point)
- St- 4 (St-4): XI-4: di cang (Point)
- St- 6 (St-6): XI-6: jia che (Point)
- St- 7 (St-7): XI-7: xia guan (Point)
- St- 8 (St-8): XI-8: tou wei (Point)
- St- 9 (St-9): XI-9: ren ying (Point)
- St-13: XI-13: qi hu (Point)
- St-15: XI-15: wu yi (Point)
- St-18: XI-18: ru gen (Point)
- St-21: XI-21: liang men (Point)
- St-23: XI-23: tai yi (Point)
- St-25: XI-25: tian shu (Point)
- St-28: XI-28: shui dao (Point)
- St-29: XI-29: gui lai (Point)
- St-30: XI-30: qi chong (Point)
- St-34: XI-34: liang qiu (Point)
- St-35: XI-35: du bi (Point)
- St-36: XI-36: zu san li (Point)
- St-37: XI-37: shang ju xu (Point)
- St-38: XI-38: tiao kou (Point)
- St-39: XI-39: xia ju xu (Point)
- St-40: XI-40: feng long (Point)
- St-41: XI-41: jie xi (Point)
- St-42: XI-42: chong yang (Point)
- St-43: XI-43: xian gu (Point)
- St-44: XI-44: nei ting (Point)
- St-45: XI-45: li dui (Point)
- Stages Of Treatment (Recovery)
- Staphysagria (Remedy)
- Star (Human Energy Centers)
- Star Fruit (Carambola) (Food)
- Star Of Bethlehem (Flower Essence)
- Star Shine (Imagery)
- Star Thistle (Flower Essence)
- Star Tulip (Flower Essence)
- Starch Bath (Hydrotherapy)
- Starving The Tumor (Imagery)
- State-Dependent Learning (Guidelines)
- Steam Inhalation (Hydrotherapy)
- Steam Whistle (Imagery)
- Steaming Vegetables, Directions For (Patient Handout)
- Stellaria Media (Herb)
- Stephania And Astragalus C. (Formula)
- Stephania And Carthamus C. (Formula)
- Stephania And Ginseng C. (Formula)
- Stephania And Hoelen F. (Formula)
- Sterculia Urens (Herb)
- Steroidal Alkaloid Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Sticky Monkeyflower (Flower Essence)
- Stillingia Sylvatica (Herb)
- Stimulating, Heating Yang (Chinese Foods)
- Stomach (Wei) (Chinese Foods)
- Stomach (Wei) (Chinese Physiology)
- Stomach (Wei) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Stop Bleeding (Chinese Foods)
- Stramonium (Remedy)
- Strawberry (Food)
- Strawberry Tofu Whip (Recipe)
- Stream Tumbler (Imagery)
- Stress-Hardy Profile (Guidelines)
- Stretching Exercise: Shoulder (Exercise)
- Strophanthus Spp. (Herb)
- Strychnine Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Strychnos Ignatii (Herb)
- Strychnos Nux Vomica (Herb)
- Stuffed Squash (Recipe)
- Styrax F. (Formula)
- Subdue Yang (Chinese Foods)
- Subjective Inquiry Approach (Principles)
- Submaximal Stress Test (Exercise)
- Sufi Healing (Traditions)
- Sugar (Food)
- Suggested Cookbooks (Patient Handout)
- Sulfur (S) (Mineral)
- Sulphur (Remedy)
- Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto (Recipe)
- Sun's Entry (Imagery)
- Sunflower (Flower Essence)
- Sunflower Seed (Food)
- Suo Quan Wan (Formula)
- Sweet Chestnut (Flower Essence)
- Sweet Combination (Formula)
- Sweet Flavor (Chinese Foods)
- Sweet Pea (Flower Essence)
- Sweet Potato (Food)
- Swim Past Free (Imagery)
- Symphytum Officinale (Herb)
- Symptom Scaling (Hypnotherapy Techniques)
- Syphilinum (Remedy)
- Systematic Desensitization (Guidelines)
- Syzygium Cumini (Herb)
- Tahini Lemon Tamari Dressing (Recipe)
- Tahini Tofu Dressing (Recipe)
- Tahini/Peanut Butter Cookies (Recipe)
- Tai Qi As A Healing Art (Traditions)
- Tai Shan Pan Shi San (Formula)
- Tai Yang (Extra Point)
- Tanacetum Parthenium (Herb)
- Tanacetum Vulgare (Herb)
- Tang Kuei And Anemarrhena C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Astragalus C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Carthamus F. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Cimicifuga C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Eight Herb F. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Evodia C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Gelatin C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Ginseng Eight C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Jujube C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Peony F. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Persica C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei And Rehmannia C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei Four C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei Sixteen Herb C. (Formula)
- Tang Kuei, Evodia And Ginger C. (Formula)
- Tangerine (Food)
- Tannic Acid/Tannin Toxidrome (Toxidrome)
- Tansy (Flower Essence)
- Tapioca (Food)
- Taraxacum (Remedy)
- Taraxacum Officinale (Herb)
- Taueret Journey (Imagery)
- Taurine (Amino Acid)
- Tea, Black (Food)
- Techniques: Basic Steps (Imagery)
- Techniques: Guided Imagery (Imagery)
- Techniques: Image-Cancer (Imagery)
- Techniques: Inner Guides (Imagery)
- Techniques: Programmed (Imagery)
- Techniques: Smoking (Imagery)
- Techniques: Symptom Access (Imagery)
- Teff (Food)
- Teff Breakfast Cereal (Recipe)
- Teff Burger (Recipe)
- Teff Flake Cookies (Recipe)
- Teff Oat Bran Muffins (Recipe)
- Teff Soup Or Stew (Recipe)
- Tendinomuscular Meeting Zones (Point Sets)
- Teucrium Chamaedrys (Herb)
- Thai Garden Rolls (Recipe)
- Thai Noodles (Pad Thai) (Recipe)
- The Island (Imagery)
- The Master Gardener (Imagery)
- The New Beginning (Imagery)
- The Pseudopod (Imagery)
- The Shadow And Physical Symptoms (Principles)
- The Shield (Imagery)
- The Still Pool (Imagery)
- Theotherapy (Traditions)
- Thistle Down (Imagery)
- Thlaspi Bursa-Pastoris (Remedy)
- Three Generation Analgesic Powder (Formula)
- Throat (Human Energy Centers)
- Thuja Occidentalis (Herb)
- Thuja Occidentalis (Remedy)
- Thyme (Food)
- Thymus Spp. (Herb)
- Ti Tuo Xue (Extra Point)
- Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Formula)
- Tian Tai Wu Yao San (Formula)
- Tiger Lily (Flower Essence)
- Tiger's Eye (Mineral)
- Tilia Spp. (Herb)
- Timely Rain (Imagery)
- Tips For Stopping Smoking (Patient Handout)
- Tofu (Food)
- Tofu Arame Stir Fry With Peanut Sauce (Recipe)
- Tofu Marinade (Recipe)
- Tofu Pate (Recipe)
- Tofu Scramble (Recipe)
- Tofu Sour Cream (Recipe)
- Tokoro C. (Formula)
- Tomato (Food)
- Tomato Red Pepper Sauce (Recipe)
- Tomato Sauce With Fennel (Recipe)
- Tong Xie Yao Fang (Formula)
- Tonify And Soothe The Liver (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify The Gall Bladder (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify The Heart (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify The Kidney (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify The Lung (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify The Qi (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify The Xue (Blood) (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify Yang (Chinese Foods)
- Tonify Yin (Chinese Foods)
- Topaz (Mineral)
- Tou Nong San (Formula)
- Tough/Generous (Psychopath 1) (Character Typology)
- Tourmaline (Mineral)
- Trance (Hypnotherapy Techniques)
- Transference And Countertransference (Principles)
- Treatment Approaches (Obesity)
- Treatment Of Chemotherapy Side-Effects (Guidelines)
- Treatment Of Pain (Guidelines)
- Treatment Phases (Obesity)
- Trichosanthes, Bakeri And Pinellia C. (Formula)
- Trichosanthes, Bakeri And White Wine C. (Formula)
- Trifolium Arvense (Herb)
- Trifolium Pratense (Herb)
- Trigonella Foenum-Graecum (Herb)
- Trillium (Flower Essence)
- Trillium Spp. (Herb)
- Triple Warmer (San Jiao) (Chinese Physiology)
- Triple Warmer (San Jiao) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Trumpet Vine (Flower Essence)
- Truth Being Told (Imagery)
- Tryptophan (Amino Acid)
- Tryptophan Load Test: Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) (Lab)
- Tu Yin (Extra Point)
- Tu-Huo And Vaeicum F. (Formula)
- Tuberculinum (Remedy)
- Tun Zhong (Extra Point)
- Tunnel Garden (Imagery)
- Turn Around (Imagery)
- Turnera Diffusa (Herb)
- Turning A Breech Baby (Imagery)
- Turnip (Food)
- Turquoise (Color)
- Turquoise (Mineral)
- Tussilago Farfara (Herb)
- TW- 1 (TW-1): VI-1: guan chong (Point)
- TW- 2 (TW-2): VI-2: ye men (Point)
- TW- 3 (TW-3): VI-3: zhong zhu (Point)
- TW- 4 (TW-4): VI-4: yang chi (Point)
- TW- 5 (TW-5): VI-5: wai guan (Point)
- TW- 6 (TW-6): VI-6: zhi gou (Point)
- TW- 7 (TW-7): VI-7: hui zong (Point)
- TW-10: VI-10: tian jing (Point)
- TW-14: VI-14: jian liao (Point)
- TW-17: VI-17: yi feng (Point)
- TW-21: VI-21: er men (Point)
- TW-23: VI-23: si zhu kong (Point)
- Twelve Step Program (Recovery)
- Two Greens Polenta (Recipe)
- Type A Behavior Pattern (Psychophysiology)
- Tyrosine (Amino Acid)
- Ulmus Fulva (Herb)
- Ultradian Rhythms (Psychophysiology)
- Ultraviolet (Light Therapy)
- Understanding The Worm (Imagery)
- Universal Heart (Imagery)
- Urginea Maritima (Herb)
- Urinary Bladder (Pang Guang) (Chinese Foods)
- Urinary Bladder (Pang Guang) (Chinese Physiology)
- Urinary Bladder (Pang Guang) (Chinese Psychophysiology)
- Urinary Nmn=N-Methylnicotinamide: Vitamin B3 Defic. (Lab)
- Urinary System (Process Interview)
- Urine Isopathy: 24-Hour Technique (Experimental Technique)
- Urtica Spp. (Herb)
- Usnea Spp. (Herb)
- Uterine Myoma F. (Formula)
- Vaccinium Spp. (Herb)
- Vaginal Douche (Hydrotherapy)
- Valeriana Spp. (Herb)
- Vegetarian Cleansing Diet/Liver Flush (Therapeutic Diet)
- Vegetarian Soup Stock (Recipe)
- Veratrum Album (Remedy)
- Veratrum Spp. (Herb)
- Verbascum Spp. (Herb)
- Verbena Officinalis (Herb)
- Veronicastrum Virginicum (Herb)
- Vervain (Flower Essence)
- Vibrating Drainage Light (Imagery)
- Viburnum Spp. (Herb)
- Victory With Joy (Imagery)
- Video Reverse (Imagery)
- Vinca Spp. (Herb)
- Vine (Flower Essence)
- Vinegar Pack (Hydrotherapy)
- Viola Spp. (Herb)
- Violet (Color)
- Violet (Flower Essence)
- Virus Ticket (Imagery)
- Viscum Spp. (Herb)
- Vital Substances (Chinese Physiology)
- Vitality C. (Formula)
- Vitality Of Life (Imagery)
- Vitamin A (Vitamin)
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) (Vitamin)
- Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) (Vitamin)
- Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid) (Vitamin)
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) (Vitamin)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin) (Vitamin)
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) (Vitamin)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) (Vitamin)
- Vitamin C (Vitamin)
- Vitamin D (Vitamin)
- Vitamin D Deficiency Tests (Lab)
- Vitamin E (Vitamin)
- Vitamin K (Vitamin)
- Vitamin Qualities (Guidelines)
- Vitex Agnus-Castus (Herb)
- W.T.T.C. Ointment (Formula)
- Wai Huai Jian (Extra Point)
- Waldorf Salad (Recipe)
- Wall-Walking Exercise (Exercise)
- Walnut (Flower Essence)
- Walnut (Food)
- Warmth Of Love (Imagery)
- Water Chestnut (Food)
- Water Exercise: Back (Exercise)
- Water Exercise: Elbow/Wrist (Exercise)
- Water Exercise: Hip/Thigh (Exercise)
- Water Exercise: Knee (Exercise)
- Water Exercise: Lower Extremity (Exercise)
- Water Exercise: Shoulder (Exercise)
- Water Violet (Flower Essence)
- Watercress (Food)
- Watermelon (Food)
- Wei Bao (Extra Point)
- Wei Jing Tang (Formula)
- Wei Ling Tang (Formula)
- Wei Shang (Extra Point)
- Wei Shang Xue (Extra Point)
- West African Groundnut Stew (Recipe)
- Wet Girdle (Hydrotherapy)
- Wet Sheet Pack (Hydrotherapy)
- Wet Sock Treatment (Hydrotherapy)
- Wheat (Food)
- Wheat Bran (Food)
- Wheat Germ (Food)
- Wheat-Containing Products (Sensitivities)
- Wheat-Free Recipes (Specialized Diet)
- Whipped Millet Potatoes (Recipe)
- Whirling Breath Of Life (Imagery)
- White Chestnut (Flower Essence)
- Wild Oat (Flower Essence)
- Wild Rose (Flower Essence)
- Willow (Flower Essence)
- Working On The Edge (Process Work)
- Working With Signals (Process Work)
- Wu Fu (Extra Points)
- Wu Shen Tang (Formula)
- Wu Tou C. (Formula)
- Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin (Formula)
- Xanthium F. (Formula)
- Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang (Formula)
- Xi Tong Decoction (Formula)
- Xi Yan (Extra Points)
- Xia Jiao Shu (Extra Point)
- Xiao Feng San (Formula)
- Xiao Gu Kong (Extra Point)
- Xiao Huo Luo Dan (Formula)
- Xiao Luo Wan (Formula)
- Xie (Dispersion) (Needling Technique)
- Xin Yi San (Formula)
- Xiong Shen Gao (Formula)
- Xue (Blood) (Chinese Physiology)
- Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Formula)
- Yam (Food)
- Yang He Tang (Formula)
- Yang Qiao Mai (Yang Motility Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Yang Wei Mai (Yang Linking Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang (Formula)
- Yao Qi (Extra Point)
- Yao Tong Dian (Extra Points)
- Yao Yan (Extra Point)
- Yao Yi (Extra Point)
- Yarrow (Flower Essence)
- Yarrow Radiation Remedy (Flower Essence)
- Yellow (Color)
- Yerba Santa (Flower Essence)
- Yi Dian (Extra Point)
- Yi Guan Jian (Formula)
- Yi Long (Extra Point)
- Yi Ming (Extra Point)
- Yi Shu (Extra Point)
- Yin Healing Powder (Formula)
- Yin Qiao Mai (Yin Motility Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Yin Tang (Extra Point)
- Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel) (Extra Channel)
- Ying Xie Bing Acute Decoction (Formula)
- Ying Xie Bing Static Decoction (Formula)
- Ying Xie Bing Yu Ji (Formula)
- Yogic View Of The Human Body (Traditions)
- Yogurt (Food)
- You Gui Wan (Formula)
- Yu Ping Feng San (Formula)
- Yu Yao (Extra Point)
- Yue Ju Wan (Formula)
- Zan Yu Dan (Formula)
- Zanthoxylum Spp. (Herb)
- Ze Qian (Extra Point)
- Zea Mays (Herb)
- Zeng Ye Tang (Formula)
- Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Formula)
- Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang (Formula)
- Zhi Xie (Extra Point)
- Zhi Yang Ding (Formula)
- Zhi Yi Xing Pi Yan (Formula)
- Zhi Zhu Wan (Formula)
- Zhong Jiao Shu (Extra Point)
- Zhong Kui (Extra Point)
- Zhou Jian (Extra Point)
- Zhu Jing Wan (Formula)
- Zi Gong (Extra Point)
- Zinc (Zn) (Mineral)
- Zincum Metallicum (Remedy)
- Zingiber Officinale (Herb)
- Zinnia (Flower Essence)
- Zizyphus C. (Formula)
- Zucchini Stew (Recipe)
- Zuo Gui Wan (Formula)
- Zuo Jin Wan (Formula)
Multi-disciplinary. 74 practitioners, researchers, and students.
- Project Coordinator and Editor-in-Chief:
- Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.
- Programmers:
- Richard Gaskin, Fourth World
- Tereza Snyder
- Phil Davis
- Diagnoses
- Coordinator: Mona Morstein, N.D.
- Major contributors:
- Mona Morstein, N.D.
- Scott Abrahamson, D.C.
- David Macallan, N.D.
- Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.
- Contributors:
- Norman Easley, N.D., D.C.
- Peter Borten, M.Ac.O.M.
- Rita Bettenburg, N.D.
- Thomas Chavez
- James Cleaver
- Nan Dunne, N.D.
- Max Tenscher, P.A.
- Reviewer: Norman Easley, N.D., D.C.
- Somatic Therapies
- Coordinator: Anna MacIntosh, Ph.D., N.D.
- Major contributors:
- Anna MacIntosh, Ph.D., N.D.
- Nick Soloway, D.C.
- Doug Kennedy, D.C.
- Tori Hudson, N.D.
- Contributors:
- John Alee
- Kevon Arthurs, N.D.
- Reviewers:
- Tori Hudson, N.D.
- Anna MacIntosh, Ph.D., N.D.
- Nutrition
- Coordinator: Lori Beth Stargrove, N.D.
- Major contributors:
- Ellen Shefi, L.Ac.
- Dick Thom, D.D.S., N.D.
- Russell Marz, N.D., L.Ac., M.Ac.O.M.
- Lori Beth Stargrove, N.D.
- Lendon Smith, M.D.
- Douglas Kennedy, D.C.
- Karen Levine, L.Ac.
- Gregory Pais, N.D.
- Research:
- Julie Claire Green, N.D.
- Mark Cooper, N.D.
- Lori Beth Stargrove, N.D.
- Eileen Stretch, N.D.
- Tonya Zielinski
- Reviewers:
- Jared Zeff, N.D., L.Ac.
- Russell Marz, N.D., L.Ac., M.Ac.O.M.
- Lendon Smith, M.D.
- Botanical Medicine
- Coordinator: Julie Claire Green, N.D.
- Major contributors:
- Jonathan Treasure, M.N.I.N.H.
- Linda Meloche, N.D., L.Ac.
- Brian Altonen
- Glen Nagel, N.D.
- Matthew Wood
- Shannon Brown, N.D.
- Research: Gregory Pais, N.D.
- Todd Luger, L.Ac., M.Ac.O.M.
- Julie Claire Green, N.D.
- Amy Jo Rist
- Reviewer: Cascade Anderson Geller
- Chinese Herbal Formulae
- Coordinator: Robin Grimm Schaefer, D.C., L.Ac.
- Major contributors:
- Robin Grimm Schaefer, D.C., L.Ac.
- Peter Borten, M.Ac.O.M.
- Research: Bernie Bayard, N.D., L.Ac.Carmen Curran, L.Ac.
- Reviewer: Subhuti Dharmanada, Ph.D.
- Acupuncture
- Coordinator: Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.
- Major contributors:
- Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.
- Malvin Finkelstein, O.M.D., L.Ac.
- David Eisen, O.M.D., L.Ac.
- Satya Ambrose, L.Ac., N.D.
- Janet LaRosa, L.Ac.
- Frank Gemmato, L.Ac.
- Karen Levine, L.Ac.
- Research:
- Al Downs, L.Ac.
- Karen Levine, L.Ac.
- John Hill
- Lisa Kramer, L.Ac.
- James Cleaver, L.Ac.
- Richard Maurer, N.D.
- Jane Bean, L.Ac.
- Peter Borten, M.Ac.O.M.
- Reviewer: Malvin Finkelstein, O.M.D., L.Ac.
- Homeopathy
- Coordinator: Dick Thom, D.D.S., N.D.
- Major contributors:
- Dick Thom, D.D.S., N.D.
- Raju Vyas, N.D.
- Sabiha Vyas, M.D.
- Contributors:
- Susan Roberts, N.D.
- Bernard LaRouche, D.D.S., N.D.
- Bernard Masson, N.D.
- Thomas C. Chavez
- Gregory Garcia, N.D.
- Thomas Kruzel, N.D.
- Gregory Pais, N.D.
- Reviewer: Pramila Vishvanath, N.D.
- Subtle Support
- Coordinator: David Greenspan, N.D.
- Major contributors:
- David Greenspan, N.D.
- Glen Swartwout, O.D.
- Harry Van Gelder, N.D., D.O.
- Jann Gruska, N.D.
- Thomas Pearson, N.D.
- Research: Aubrey Swartwout
- Reviewers:
- Harry Van Gelder, N.D., D.O.
- Glen Swartwout, O.D.
- Mind/Body
- Coordinator: Magda Mische, N.D.
- Major contributors:
- Magda Mische, N.D.
- Susan Roberts, N.D.
- Paul Bergner
- Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac
- Thomas C. Chavez
- Harry Van Gelder, N.D., D.O.
- Contributors:
- Robert Wambach, M.B.A., Ph.D.
- Cristi Daggett, L.M.T.
- Max Schupbach, Ph.D.
- Jann Gruska, N.D.
- Norman Easley, N.D., D.C.
- James Cleaver
- Pat Timberlake, M.S.W., N.D.
- Kevon Arthurs, N.D.
- Reviewers:
- Kimberly Burg, Ph.D.
- Max Schupbach, Ph.D.
- IBIS Artwork and Graphics:
- Bruce Rodgers
- Jason Verburg
- Eben Tobias Greene
- Raphael Stargrove
- Production Support:
- Larry Park
- Raphael Stargrove
- Lori Beth Stargrove, N.D.
- Sara Snyder
- Amy Jo Rist
- David Macallan, N.D.
- Jann Gruska, N.D.
- Julie Claire Green, N.D.
- Gregory Pais, N.D.
- Paul Bergner
- IBIS Medical Advisory Board (1999-2002)
- Kenneth S. Alexander R.Ph., Ph.D.
University of Toledo College of Pharmacy - Harriet Beinfield, L.Ac.
Co-Director, Chinese Medicine Works - Samuel D. Benjamin, M.D.
State University at Stony Brook School of Medicine - Tim Birdsall, N.D.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Midwestern Regional Medical Center - Carlo Calabrese, N.D., M.P.H.
Co-Director, Bastyr University Research Dept. - Hyla Cass, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor
UCLA School of Medicine - Misha Ruth Cohen, O.M.D., L.Ac.
Founder, Quan Yin Healing Arts Center - Michael Cronin, N.D.
Medical Director, American Whole Health Network Inc. - Bob Flaws, Dipl. Ac. & C.H.
FNAAOM, Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc. - Chris Foley, M.D.
Director, Integrative Health, HealthEast - Heiner Freuhauf, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Chair, Dept of Chinese Classical Medicine, National College of Naturopathic Medicine - Scott Gerson, M.D.
Medical Director, The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine - Elizabeth A. Goldblatt, Ph.D., M.P.A./H.A.
President, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine - Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O.
Former President, American College for the Advancement of Medicine - Candace Ford Gray
Director, Planetree Health Resource Center - Elliot Greene, M.A.
Former President, American Massage Therapy Association - Tori Hudson, N.D.
Professor, National College of Naturopathic Medicine
Director, Institute of Women's Health and Natural Medicine - Joseph Jacobs, M.D.
Former Director, Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health - Clyde B. Jensen, Ph.D.
Professor, President, National College of Naturopathic Medicine - Paul W. Jungnickel, Ph.D.
Auburn University School of Pharmacy - Janet R. Kahn, Ph.D.
President, American Massage Therapy Association Foundation - Leland Kaiser, Ph.D.
Leland Kaiser and Associates - Ted Kaptchuk, O.M.D.
Assistant Professor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School - Ruth Kerns, R.N., C.
ImmunoLogic Inc. - Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.
Center for Complementary Medicine, University of Pittsburgh - Martin Milner, N.D.
Associate Professor, National College of Naturopathic Medicine - Arnold Mindell, Ph.D.
Founder, Process-Oriented Psychology - Paul Mittman, N.D., D.H.A.N.P.
Department of Homeopathy, SW College of Naturopathic Medicine - David Molony, Dipl. Ac., PhD (OM)
Executive Director, American Association of Oriental Medicine - Michael Moore
Director, Southwest College of Botanical Medicine - Candace Pert, Ph.D.
Georgetown University School of Medicine - Daniel Redwood, D.C.
Associate Editor, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine - David S. Riley, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, University of New Mexico Medical School - Z'ev Rosenberg, L. Ac., D.O.M.
Department of Herbal Medicine, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine - Glenn Rothfeld, M.D., M.Ac.
Regional Medical Director, American Whole Health
Clinical Assistant Professor, Tufts University, School of Medicine - Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.
Institute for Frontier Sciences - Bob Sager, M.D.
Southwest Medical Center, Liberal, KS - Sunirmal Sarkar, M.D.
Professor, National Institute of Homeopathy, India - Jeremy Sherr, R.S.Hom., F.S.Hom.
Director, Dynamis School of Homeopathy - Jill Stansbury, N.D.
Assistant Professor, Chair, Department of Botanical Medicine, National College of Naturopathic Medicine - Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.
Chief Medical Officer; Professor, History of Medicine, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine - Robert Stern, D.C.
Medical Dir. for Alt. and Compl. Medicine, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield - Michael Tierra, L.Ac., O.M.D.
Founding Member , American Herbalists Guild. - Jonathan Treasure, M.A., M.N.I.M.H.
Medical Herbalist - Francis Treuherz, R.S.Hom., F.S.Hom.
London, England - Dana Ullman, M.P.H.
President, Homeopathic Educational Services - Jonathan Wright, M.D.
Medical Director, Tahoma Clinic, Kent, WA
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